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About Epixxle

  • Birthday 11/01/2002

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  1. A miracle has happened. Thanks for the info tho.
  2. It's been about twice that amount of time. I only need like 6 pieces lol
  3. Probably TPS lag, but even if that were the case, surely it would have finished by now, right?
  4. I've been trying to get some livingwood for quite some time now, yet the pure daisy fails to work. There are white particles around the logs, but nothing else. Refer to clock, bottom right. (At the time of posting, it has been over 10 min since I have placed the logs)
  5. What's popping

  6. "Rank: Newly spawned"


    "Joined June 3, 2014."



  7. Lol, anyone know if the builder works in this current version of BC?


    I have... great plans..

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