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Everything posted by Skilande_

  1. Community Rules: These rules apply to every server. Server specific rules are further down. 0. Use Common Sense: 1. No Hacked Clients: 2. No Abusing Bugs / Exploits: 3. No Advertising: 4. No Inappropriate Conduct: 5. No Harassment: 6. No intentional harm to Server Integrity: 7. No Impersonating Staff: 8. No Griefing any Protected Areas: 9. No Console Clients: 10. No Punishment Evading: 11. Don't sell items for in real life money: 12. No Tracking Staff: 13. No Databasing Players: Infinity Evolved Rules: These rules are Infinity Evolved specific. Other servers might share some of these rules, so make sure to always read up on the server specific rules. 1. Creative Items: 2. PvP:
  2. If you wish to request extra in-game commands, please use the following template to make our work easier. Requirements: · No record of any kind of command abuse · A donor rank of Sponsor or Sponsor+ · A relatively clean ban record Note: Please keep in mind that, in the event that you can no longer meet all three (3) of the requirements listed above, your extra commands will be removed. Topic Title: [Command Request] (Your name) Account Name: Rank: Requested Commands: (Add the node of the commands if you know it so they are easier to add.) (Add the server you wish the command to be on.) Reason for Request: (Add the reasons for each command you are requesting.) [ESP]
  3. We used to have a topic like this but it died after a while and since it was liked so much back then, I thought bringing it back would be a great idea. It is simple just leave your favorite music below for others to see. I'll start with mine:
  4. “It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful.”
    ― Anton Szandor LaVey

  5. Gods exist as long as humans allow them to exist.

  6. It is the same thing like with FTB, make a new instance then copy&paste mods and everything else into the folder
  7. It is always more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge.

  8. In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.

  9. Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.

  10. Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!

  11. Try copying the mods(and configs) into your vannila minecraft,install the latest forge and you should be good to go
  12. It does not work for me with Tekkit or the new Direwolf or the SkyFact anymore,I use it for TFC and SP
  13. If you are not playing single player there is no problem
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