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Disband please


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In game name:IronSonicks 


Server:Pure survival 

Hello I would like to appeal to the forum for a baneo a little unfair [Maybe deserved] banned me for the second time for something I did not do and I joined the days of banishment I do not know because but please disbang @Powerwarp @Zyko 

Captura de pantalla de 2017-01-27 00:41:12.png


You were banned for using the account of admiral_desoto, maybe to ban evade or something, anyway the account of admiral_desoto were banned for having illegal items, the user has been complainted in this topic, and check this picture to see it. Anyways, also you were banned for having Illegal Items in the chests of your home, you had like 6 stacks of PvP Protection and 7 stacks of Land Protection, that's why you got banned.

Unban denied.



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