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Welp, never thought I'd be tp killed at a Craftersland server, this douche of dungbeetle named 'TheMatix720' tp'd me for 'free draconium' which isn't all that bad considering that I was willing to pay for it.

Here's some noice ss, could I get my stuff refunded somehow. 

With regards,


  • quagma unlocked this topic

@Iszy61 Ideally you could list the items lost to the best of your ability and someone like Quagma, or another Admin will get on to retrieve the items from the scammer.

An inventory rollback can be completed and would probably be done by monday by Bruny. But you'd have to make a secondary post to request a rollback. One with specific timestamps etc. I'm not sure about Bruny's process in an inventory rollback, but I can imagine that he would just roll it back rather than getting the items back from the scammer.

So, therefore I recommend method 1. 


I lost a golden bag with tc tools(hammer,axe and shovel) and builders wand, I lost fluxed infused boots, wyvern sword (tier 1 draconic sword) , tc longbow and arrows for it, an electromagnet( ender-io) and a liquid blutonium dimension tab and 11 not enscribed dimension tabs. TBH, I only really care about the wyvern sword, the tinker's construst long bow and arrows and hammer and my flux-infused boots and liquid blutonium dim as I was planning on remaking the other tools with ender amethyst as they're reasonably faster. The Wyvern sword had reaper V and sharpness IV, the hammer was stone and had max loot and redstone. The bow was recent so I didn't max it out.


Could you tell me what parts were used to make the tinkers tools? What they were made of? If you could use item ids as well, that would be very helpful.


Well I don't mean to be gluttonous, but why does matix still have my stuff, here's some fresh screenshots, he's also flying around spawn looking to kill peeps.



Well, I took the stuff from the tp killer's inv, and refunded Iszy in game. Can I close the topic, or is there anything else needed on this subject?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Henk locked this topic


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