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[Complaint] Player suspected crashing server


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In-Game Nickname: newtonb13


Time and date: around 2017-02-20 19:00


Description of what happened:

As I came on the server restarted pretty quickly two times, both with a rollback.

After the third join I started watching the Players list for unknown ppl, as I have premium I used /invsee to hunt down the crasher. (as I dont know what else to use this command for tbh, but ok)

Most invs were usual but one was full of single ingots and one item "blinked". It vanished and came back, vanished and came back, like from a wrongly setup conduit system.

Now I know a few bugs with full inventories which crash the server, so I immediately asked him what he was doing, he didn't answer.

Later he asked if his inventory stays when he dies, somehow suspisious I suppose, then soon after the server died again.


As I'm writing it he seems to try this again. (19:21) I told Ontario_99 about it


Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com)

List of eyewitnesses: Ontario_99 (on the second time, not at the crashes i think)


Yeah well, I met him the other day and he seems friendly. If that was really him the first time, maybe it was by accident or he wasn't aware, or it wasn't him at all. I just didn't want this to stay unnoticed, it just looked so strange at that time.


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