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Rollback Request


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Account Name: Manyouforgot

Town name: FSociety

Coordinates: X 2934 Z -3931 Y 16

Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]:

2.28:18PM 2/27/17 Central Time is when i died so i guess 1 minutes before then.

Description of Issue: I moved my Rock Crusher to my floor not knowing it did damage to the player, it killed me, i came back to get my stuff from my grave, and it destroyed all of it :(

 i lost my golden bag of holding which had alot of my machine related things in there and all my tools.

*Screenshots: N/A


Thank you @Manyouforgot for using the template, really makes it easier for Bruny to do the rollback. Might I also ask you to edit your first post thought to include which timezone "2.28:18PM " is?, and our saves aren't that frequent so it'll probably be five minutes or so before that time too. For the record.

Rollbacks can only be done during maintenance aswell, so be patient with the request. Sometimes askin for a refund is quicker as it can be performed by the servers' Admin's. If you desire you can also add the " Refund request " template and fill it out in the same post. And then either an Admin will help you recover your items, or Bruny will roll it back. What ever comes first.

  • Manager

Thank you @Henkekalmar i edited the post to include the timezone I think it would be best if i waited for a rollback as it was just little things i cant list enchants on gear etc. 

How should i play about this? Do i need to keep my inv cleared and not play? Or can i play like normal and just make sure to clear my inv before i quit playing.


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