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X:  435

Z:  -3609

Y:  63

Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]:

May 5, 11:00 p.m. CST

Description of Issue:

Was griefed in my protected town.  I may have turned off protection trying to get a BC quarry to work, but I don't think so.

This is the second time I've been griefed in this area but this time they got the whole AE inventory, Computers from computerctaft, and honestly I don't know what all else.  It was a massive amount. 

If it's possible, please look into it and ban whomever did this since it's now happening over and over.  


On a side note, if you can find who has a tesseract locked to Mister_Bow_Tie in someones inventory, then you've found the culprit.  My son locked a tesseract and put it in our AE system a couple of hours before everything was stolen.


No screenshots, sorry.  They would only show empty spaces where my stuff was anyway.




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I'm rescinding my rollback request. Since I'm premium+, I'll just creative all our stuff back.

I would still request that it be looked into who griefed our base since it's a banning offense.  Whomever it is needs to know they can be caught and made an example of.

Thank you.


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