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[Command request] Dragonlady

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Account Name: DragonLady
Rank: Sponsor+
Requested Commands: 

World Edit (//wand //pos1 //pos2 //set //replace //redo //undo //hcyl //cyl //sphere //hsphere //brush //mask)

Reason for Request: 
I'd like world edit so I can make my island look a bit prettier. I won't use it on large areas, just small spots, because doing it by hand would take ages.

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There is a possibility this commands will NOT be granted.

Because it`s a bit too much power. Protected land will not be a restriction for WorldEdit.

So far only highest staff member have access to WorldEdit (GM and up).

Tho, you are Sponsor+, that means you already got almost same permission as GM have. And if you use WE to harm anyone, your WE access will be revoked.

With great power comes great responsibility.

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