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Permission request

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Account Name: Voodooshrimp123

Rank: Sponsor

Requested Commands:
I would like to request, if possible, an extension on my nickname character length.


Reason for Request:
I am requesting this, because in game I like to have my nickname rather formatted, I prefer a short nickname, 

but after a few colours, I run out of characters to use, I am requesting extending it to maybe, 70 characters?

The most I would ever use viewable would be 15 characters and I doubt I ever will, usually it's a cool 6 characters, but after colours and letter formats, it soon adds up.

And the same goes for the clan tag character limit too, I will stick to the max viewable characters, but would like freedom to add more colour and formatting. 

Many thanks



essentials.nick Allow access to the /nick command.
essentials.nick.others Gives you permission to give other players a nick name
essentials.nick.color This allows you to color your nickname using color codes.
essentials.nick.magic This allows you to use the matrix/magic color in your nickname.
essentials.nick.format This allows you to format your nickname using format codes.

These are the essentials permissions for nicknames, sorry but it doesn't seem possible to extend the lenght. My guess is that 15 is also the character limit of a username- and therefore essentials keep the same limit. 

And you realise 70 characters would literally spam the chat everytime you write a message..


It was worth a shot with the extended character limit.

1 hour ago, Henkekalmar said:

And you realise 70 characters would literally spam the chat everytime you write a message..

The characters would have been used for formatting, Colour/Bold/underline etc etc. 

A 6 letter nickname with different colours and format for each letter could potentially take up 42 characters.

ah well, if it's not possible, nevermind, it was worth a shot, it's just that i've been on servers where i was able to have upwards of 50 characters used in nicknames, but there was a limit on visible characters set in the rules. 

The limit is set in the plugins config file, and would be for everyone, i don't think it is set user to user. 

What of the Clan tag limit?


I think the limits we have have worked out great for us so far-

And you gotta consider that it would all have to fit in a single command aswell ^^


Looked around, it's possible to edit in config.yml


# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                 Essentials (Global)                  | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
ops-name-color: '4'
# The character(s) to prefix all nicknames, so that you know they are not true usernames.
nickname-prefix: '~'
# The maximum length allowed in nicknames. The nickname prefix is included in this.
max-nick-length: 15
# Disable this if you have any other plugin, that modifies the displayname of a user.
change-displayname: true


Though I can't find an option for visible characters only. Just don't abuse this for visible characters if the nickname limit is increased by brunyman (Limit should be preferably 30-40 In my opinion)


Increasing nick lengths means increasing the lengths for commands/chat which will affects all of the players. when you type a message to be send to global chat have a limit characters  which will be increased if your request gotten approved. 

I don't think it is possible. 

But... You could look into Command Block if it's exist in SF. I doubt that would works too, If it does, please let me know.


Nah i'm a purely survival player, a command block would interfere with the Non-creative bit.

"Thanks for the suggestion but it's a no from me, i'm out". 

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