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[Rollback Request]


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Account Name: Maik365

Town Name/ Character Name: Maik365

Coordinates: x: -330 z: 3900 y:80

Time Date to roll back to: 21:00 / 12.10.2017





i claimed a lot of chunks and builded my town, today at morning i wanted to play and everything was gone in my town, 90 peaces 64k ME storage and a lot of things has been stolen or an other server problem although i claim:(

this is very sad but i liked to play on the server, I have been playing 2 months here, i have invested 40€ and than happens that although i have my own town.

Is there a possibility to roll back my town? or trace who was in my town the last hours??? please give me a quick answer so i know what is happening. thx

i playing infinity evolved expert mode



Best Reguards Maik365



Yes, your town can be rolled back, just be patient, and the server owner will roll it back. What time zone is the time you want it rolled back to?


Time zone UTC +01:00

and please roll it back to 12.10.2017/ 21:00

and can u also delete my premium, i just want to play without that premium, it looks not good in front :(

Thank you very much!

and how long time reqire does it take to roll it back?



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