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/break and world edit

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/break and world edit] (Darknesscafted)



Requested Commands:

(/break and world edit)


Reason for Request:
(/break is to remove unwanted bedrock or tesseracts not owned by me in my base and im requesting world edit because yusixs said i should :D)


You don't have to do everything he says xD

If Yusixs says jump off a bridge... it's your game, choose what you want for yourself. 


Don't worry, there are world edit logs for each server, even though you guys have already thought up a bypass for creative via world-edit, any abuse can be caught by just looking at the logs.

Also, I don't want to restrict him even further with what he has to deal with for participating in the economy. I trust him enough to not abuse it. Right now, we're thinking up ways for a better rule than the currently highly-restrictive creative rule placed. There's also another reason why I asked him to get world-edit but it's more or less staff-information which I haven't told him either.


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