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Rule 4


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What does rule four state:

It States: [4] No sale/gifting creative/illegitimate items to members outside of your town: 

Creative Players who leave a town must take with them or destroy all creatively spawned items.  Non-Creative Players who leave any town are to leave empty handed. Non-Creative Players and Creative Players who are part of a Creative town are to live in only one town or only in Creative towns. Players who are part of a Creative town are not allowed to sell/trade items.

I have talked to many people about my problem and they all say two common things 1. It's in the rules 2. Your base will need to be regenerated my actual problem is I have 1 creative player in my town and my town is trying to get back on the economy system now I asked him he is okay with leaving he never plays tekkit anymore. Now I will remove all the creative items which are items not normally obtained in creative(like infinite energy blocks) but it is not fair for me to lose everything because of something that IS NEVER stated in the rules. I was totally unaware of and it's simply not fair 


It clearly says "Players who are part of a Creative town are not allowed to sell/trade items." Once you spawn and use even single creative item anything in your base is not legitimate anymore. Also in some small way your base was affected directly or indirectly by creative items. For example you use creative energy then machines you powered are affected, everything that got processed in that machine is affected. By simply having 1 creative item you already got advantage over normal players, it doesnt matter how big or small. Also what do you mean it is not in the rules? It is same as non-creative player must leave town empty handed. 

Ignorance is not a reason for exception. 


So, @Swimsam777- If we look at this reasonably, as you suggest it.

Do you claim that the only cheated items you have in your town is the energy? Let's just have a look at your ME system... what about these? Are they all legit?, I mean.. they don't have any tags.



Also, who is the creative player? jackseno41?



So, with that said- if all of your town's items- except the energy- is legit... then you should be able to re-join the economy of the server.. right?


So for the record of anyone else, I spoke to Swimsam and he agreed that only the Wiring, Fertilizers, 108 bedrock, 32 16mil drives and 64 flux crystal is all that's creative in your town.


Proof picture:



It's blurred out because it's other people's conversation. Nothing of value.


He also admits to not knowing where all his infinite powers are... because he has so many.

Well, to even CONSIDER what you are implying we would have to get EVERYTHING 100% removed. And if you can't find blocks.. then I'm not too sure this is possible.

Now do note that " swimsam2 " is swimsam's alt account that he uses-it's in reality his friends but he uses it. It goes by the name " jackseno41 "

So, we have it here - black on white, swimsam claiming all the creative items in his base are only those 5 different items, well, hours earlier I caught him doing this:

Proof pictures:



Jackseno41, Aka "Swimsam2" in creative, in their SWIMSAM'S TOWN placing creative blocks. This didn't come up at all in my conversation with swimsam, even though I repeatidly asked him if there was anything else. He deliberately left this out- as he was still working on it.


So, what else is he doing?

Well, he has a bunch of cakes. in DSU and in ME drives.


Notice the TWO me drives in the inventory


BAM, they are three. magical isn't it?


So, what will he do with the drives he dupes using creative.. you might wonder? Well. he is going to put them into IO ports, so they all go into a singular ME drive below the infinite powers on the left hand side. 


He keeps doing this for an hour or so, while he builds THIS upstairs:


Hmmm, I wonder what will happen next.

Oh yeah, side note. not to mention it's ALL spawned in. MMm.



He's coming along nicely, so far 96 million cakes.


It's almost full!


He goes a little bit more, before he starts duping them and putting them on the upper floor:




His inventory at the time.


And this is just part way through... 128 billion cakes. According to Swimsam- ALL LEGIT - after asking him about it 20-30 minutes later.


It's now at 301Billion.


Now, with that being said- after have asked you about creative items and you blatantly lied about it. Talking to me about it while you were yourself spawning in loads of items. I can't imagine how many items you have in you possession that you did exactly the same with. And it is for this reason why creative towns need to start over if they want to rejoin the economy. because even though this was obvious... you can never cleanse a city of all it's creative items. You realise that this was all a test, and you failed it - You are not allowed to participate in the economy unless you do the following, order:

  1. Remove any creative/NEI/worldedit access that Jackseno has - and/or any other creative player in the town.
  2. Clear everyone's inventory, within the town.
  3. And completely regen the entire base by the help of a GM. and confirming that EVERYONE is back at square one. 


That is the only wayAnd don't bother remaking a topic like this, we did already discuss this in your youtuber forum post- If you make another one you will violate the forum rule of " remaking closed topics " and it will be immediately closed and a formal warning will be issued.



Now, to also save us some time from you having to make an unban appeal- let me also explain to you why you are banned:

You have a power room, containing all spawned in items - energy cells and infinite energy. That is all fine. What isn't however is that you are running it into a PUBLIC tesseract for ANYONE to use. So, you are using creative energy to give to anyone on the server, that breaks rule 4 and will get you punished for 1st offense. However only the account Jackseno will be banned, but if you login on your main account during the time he is banned you will also extend the ban lenght as you are using a 2nd account to access the server. To be precise.. rule 18:

[18] Ban evading (using different accounts to enter the server):

  • 1st offense = 2 day ban + time left on main account.
  • 2nd offense = 7 day ban + time left on main account.
  • 3rd offense = 14 day ban + time left on main account.





Do note that this entire setup will also have been removed by the time you are back on the server.



To summarize:

  • No, you are not allowed to participate in the economy trading.
  • No, you will not make another topic like this.
  • Yes, you are banned.
  • No, you shouldn't play on your main account during you ban time.




*sigh*                            Topic closed.

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