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[Command Request] gerry_lmao


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Account Name: gerry_lmao
Rank: Sponsor+
Requested Commands^: /flyspeed (In Ac v1)
Reason for Request*:

Speed: I would like access to the /flyspeed command because I fly very slow and going to many dungeons flying it can take a lot of time so I'm asking for this to save time



Since so many sponsors requested this command (counting me) i think if bruny give it to you it will be better if he give it to all sponsors,

but here is an advantage that can be abused, the command is good for sponsors that wants to do all the parkours fast and reliable, but this can be abused too when the sponsor flies to the players more fast to kill them more fast.

In my opinion this access should be denied for all sponsors, because it lost the originality of Assasins Craft, but im not the owner here, let´s wait for @brunyman and @Powerwarp for an answer.


Also you made dis post in the wrong section lol


@OnlyFredyKsC This player is asking for the permission on Tekkit though, not network. 

I think the reason this isn't given as a " default " is because of how much power it would require of our servers if every sponsor is flying around in top speeds loading new chunks. 


Permissions granted.

Disclaimer: You are only allowed to modified speed outside of the main city- and only if you've been out of combat for a while. Any abuse or misuse of this will lead to removal of requested permissions without warning.



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