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Previously I've posted about the unusual delay of Logistics pipes on this thread

However, the situation is worse than I expected, by some unknown reasons, the whole mods looks like has a tons of delays and problems on multiblock structures. Here is some pictures about this:

- First, when you break a basic logistics pipe block, it become like this for 10-30 seconds


- Second, when you place a block to fill the gap between two, it become like this on 30 seconds or forever and force you to remove it and place it again. During this time the requesting table cannot received item information on Drawer Controller





My ping at the time I do this is normal, I can place the block and get the HUD of requesting table instantly. From now I'm going to use RFTools Storage scanner as the alternative solutions but I hope that the bugs with be fixed because Logistics pipes are good mod for mid-tier and also late-tier, the basic logistics pipe has item transformation speed only lower than impluse itemduct and cheaper, easier to craft than.

  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, brunyman said:

it may be related to server lag, this mod is not that efficient for multi player

I'm afraid this is a sad news, because now we only have the ME system for autocrafting and massive storages, and ME system can be considered at late-tier crafting and require times to craft it.

But this problem only appear on this mod, another mods work well at the same time

  • 4 months later...

Hi Brunyman

Sorry for long time no response, but now the situation is decreased. The logistics pipes system still have a lot of delay but it is usable and the bug now can be considered as the courage for players to make ME system because the logistics pipes system before bug is superior to the autocrafting of AE2 system


UPDATE: @brunyman, the situation is getting worse days after days, now to make the system worked I have to place one pipe connected to the system and then break it. Also after restart  pipes are broken. I cannot constant playing anymore and as my estimate it takes about 1 month for the certus wrench and many of the processes required autocrafting. I've invited @CowGoesBananas to withness the bug


As i stated above, the problem is persistent but the mod isnt widely used as it isnt a too popular one. 

The problems listed make it almost unusable.

It does seem like a quite functional mod that can be used for mini-early game automation and networking capabilities.

  • 2 weeks later...

@brunyman, now I can summarise what is going on with this mod:

- When placed, the logistics pipe glitched and stop working, looks like they are struck by some command. The only way to unstruck is place or break another logistics pipe. the pipe can cure glitches or create it when you place it, not depend on does it connect to the system or not

I believe if logistic pipe is placed on the chunk that contain BC Laser system, they will have the same behavior, the situation will worse if many logistics pipes have 3-4 connections. 

p/s: I found out sometimes apiary from forestry suffer from the same problem even share the same chunk with Logistics Pipes or not


They do bug out and cant be fixed with a simple block update, sometimes they may come back to life but no clear way of turning them back on has been found, unless what Rotomegax states is true about removing one to update others.

14 hours ago, CowGoesBananas said:

They do bug out and cant be fixed with a simple block update, sometimes they may come back to life but no clear way of turning them back on has been found, unless what Rotomegax states is true about removing one to update others.

The other way is place another one like the one be bugged, this is nightmare if you imagine you have to build the second draconic reactor or the second creative energy cell so that the first one will work 

Idk how this bug happened but when inf server just open no bugs like those are found

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm so frustrate when waiting for only one reply for this topic. 

Please, if those bugs I mentioned earlier cannot be fixed, please, please, PLEASE reply "sorry, we cannot fix this bug because of the nature of the mod" so I can give up hope and go to another modpack like Continuum

FTB Infinity is the modpack I like most because this is the first hardcore modpack on craftersland, so anything we made are valuable. I still remember the felling of get the pure infinity bee. 

But now bugs and bugs that NEVER happened when server just open the first time (including ALL bugs I reported previously on this topic) make me despair everytime I login to server, 


  • 1 year later...

I just gave those pipes a try, and while they still have some issues aligning they appear to work at first. However if you request any item it is routed to the destination and then simply deleted instead of being delivered.

That makes the whole mod unusable and provides a serious challenge for players to get to the AE state of the game, as Logistic Pipes is generally used to handle the complex crafting until then.



So the several hours later those items were delivered. I tested that further and learned that when I move to spawn for a moment (no chunkloaders in my base) and then return to my base the items that were not delivered within 20 minutes spontaneously got delivered. That makes me wonder if Craftersland has the background threads that handle the logistic pipes artificially throttled?

There is a setting in config/LogisticsPipes.cfg, section: multithread where threading settings can be configured.

multithread {
    # Number of routing table update Threads, 0 to disable.

    # Priority of the multiThread Threads. 10 is highest, 5 normal, 1 lowest

This is the default setting. Now my guess is that either the priority or both have been lowered, which then effectively renders the mod unusable.

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