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[Inventory Rollback Request] Bennokj


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Your Name: Bennokj
Coordinates: -1791,61 +2676,66 64,62
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  9:10pm GMT +1,  4th Dec 2018
Description of Issue: I Died in another players ground, I could not pick them up, and they was gone, short after.
Screenshots (Optional): 


You cant see back, and see a backup of my person??


It was a whole Power armor, all of it, plus the hand and a Resonant Flux capacitor. 

And there was a lot of upgrades in it!

Things I used to upgrade with

Control circuit 12

Hologram Emitter 1

Servo motor 19

LV capacitor 2

Computer Chip 1

Solar Panel 4

Force Field Emitter 16

Basic Plating 1

Eye of Ender 4



Hello Bennokj,


As ManYouForgot said above your items should be all back. If your missing items, please make a list of items that your missing. If you have everything please reply below to tell us that it is fixed.

  • Manager

Hello, i tried the other rollback I had for the Fourth (We only keep 2 points each day) upon looking at your inv this time it doesn't seem to have power armor in it as well.

And looking at the 3rds rollbacks it seems you haven't joined the server yet. 


So i refunded the items you had in your post above, if there is anything else your missing please make a refund request below as thats all I will be able to do for this.




I got my things back, I think its only some small things too the upgrade I miss. But thats fine. 


Thanks so much. I appreciate it ❤️??


Okay this is so stupid! I just lost all the same things, that I wrote up in this topic!!! I teleported to The End. And I spawn with no ground under me, and fell down, and died because I fell out of the world!! ?


No problem Bennokj, don’t worrie.

Your inventory’s will get back.

The time you gave above, what time zone is that? We’re not all from the same time zone so it’s easier for thme manager to rollback you inventory, or do you know exactly what items you lost? If so place it down below so we can take care of it.


Thank you,

first of all let me clear this out, your not stupid cause aparantly you can play tekkit and make forum posts. Both of those are difficult for more players then you think. And even if your not able to succeed in the both of them, it still doesn’t mean your stupid.

Second there is no need to say sorry for this, obviously you could not help your death. Our task is to help players and your always welcome to ask anything, that’s why we are here. I have contacted the manager that has helped you before, we will fix this don’t worry. I will send you my discord, then you can ask anything at any time. I’m able to respond whole day except sleeping of course.

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