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[Inventory Rollback Request] Mjhutto2012


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Your Name: Mjhutto2012
Coordinates: X +5219 Y 63 Z 2982
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 8:00 CST  12-12-2018
Description of Issue: 

I was preparing to move my base to a new location. Unknowingly i broke my reactor and got kill by the Coolant that was inside. I didnt know that i would die i tried to save my stuff but i could get out before i die several times. I am Requesting Assistance As soon as yall can help me. Thank you! I would like have all my stuff back if that its ok.
Screenshots (Optional): 


Hi Mj,


I see you filled in the Town Rollback request but you tell in your story you want to have lost all your items due to dying in the coolant. You want to get your stuff back or the things you build to be rollbacked? Also I will finish the transfer and help you with your items / towny. 


Have you moved the town allready? 

If not, your town is still claimed at your old spot and you need to reclaim the town where you are. I will help you with that in-game.


EDIT: Changed the template to the Inventory Rollback. With permission of the player.

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