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Town Rollback SaberCorp


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Your Name: Swimsam
Town Name: SaberCorp
Coordinates of Town: -385, ~, -185
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): November 23rd 2018

Description of Issue: So, I left to focus on life for awhile. My base was HUGE and I created it to be a creation for people to look at and admire. 1month and 5 days after I had left always ein requested it be removed. Me unaware that everyone left my town. was helpless to stop. I spent hours upon hours on it. It was removed to "make room for more player" but no one has built there. I was scared to make this because I was afraid the people who hate me would build there so that this request wouldn't work

Screenshots (optional, but recommended):  https://imgur.com/8MCzZh7. As of 1:37 EST Sunday the 13th NO claims are in this area

@brunyman I know that the area has to be reclaimed first, so i will try to reclaim as much as i can.



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