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[Refund Request] D34DPlayer


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Your Name: D34DPlayer
Item Name + Amount: Alveary Lighting x 1, ME crafting terminal x1, Wireless Universal Terminal or Wireless Crafting Terminal, Fusion Control Computer
Coordinates (format x, y, z): 1156 47 -431
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: 
Description of Issue: The first block got transformed into another alveary block, the second was removed with a wrench before a server crash so I lost the item and my wireless universal terminal stopped working after the update, if all those have that issue I'd like to get the wireless crafting terminal you use to craft it so I can access my ME system. My fusion control computer just transformed into a machine frame after destroying it.
Screenshots (Optional): I left those items at the coordinates above, if you want to test it or delete them.


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