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[Refund Request] Shejtana


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     Your Name: Shejtana


Item Name + Amount: 

12 simple chests

12 Fueltank #5739

9 Rocketmotor #5737

4 Drill #5789

1 Guidance Computer #5760

1 Asteroid chip #6086
Coordinates (format x, y, z): 2683 , 78, -2005
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest:  4h ago
Description of Issue: Rocket was on mining mission, server was restarted, there is no chance to get rocket back during the 30s of server restarting message, because this mining mission lasts 5min :30 + start and landing time. After login after restart the mission timer showed negative times, rocket was not back at launchpad. So i think, that the data about rockets on missions are not saved anywhere before server restart, they are simply away.
Screenshots (Optional): 




If you are caught lying in your refund request, any further refund requests made by you will be denied unless you provide screenshotted proof of you having the items.
Please keep your death tablet in your enderchest or at a safe place(Tell us where it is aswell) as we will use it to double check your refund items list(Only if you lost the items when dying due to a server problem)!
Tinker Items or any Items with Meta data aren't listed in death tablet (Enchantments etc) hence we will not refund you the tinker items unless you specify the items needed to make them + Ammount and type of modifiers used in "Item Name + Ammount:"

Credits: @quagma


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