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Angry at whoever put signs down.


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Alright if you plan to put signs in my base, I expect you to leave your name. Anyone want to tell me who put the signs at my base?

I can agree that maybe I went a bit to far with the quarrying around a base but Killing people is part of why I play on this server. I am a little angry so this is going to be strongly worded. If you don't want people killing others, turn off pvp, its that simple. When I kill people, I kill them in unclaimed territory, and I generally give them back their stuff and if they are struggling I may even give them or teach them skills and items. How dare you try and pull this bullshit on me, I can't even have a conversation with you because you did not leave your name. 

So are you going to own up? Or am I talking to a ghost? 
There is a new sign at my base that you may be interested in. 


I've had reports that you teleported to someone's town waited outside his claimed area which was in his space station and then proceeded to spam kill them, this is not the first time i get such a complaint about you, as for the signs? I don't see it being a big of a deal? You definitely didn't have to make a scene about it and yes i am the one who placed them. By all means, kill the player, take the items and leave, you don't have to needlessly destroy things that don't even hold any value or endlessly kill a player.


"Endlessly kill a player" I killed Haru like 3 times. Hardly call that "Endlessly" Now at one point I did kill people a lot but that was closer to when I first joined and I did it for reasons that hold no value anymore. If you don't leave your name MeanManSlayer, to me its the same as being griefed because I can't verify who it is. That is why I recommend you leave your name. So I won't be actually Endlessly killing players as there is no value to that. Just killing them once or thrice or something like that. But to show that I am not unreasonable I will make an effort to not only stop blatantly destroying outside a base as I did with the quarry, but also stop destroying for destruction's sake. Sure I might take a part of a farm out but I won't be decimating someone's land , unclaimed or claimed, unless I want the shit thats on it. I hope we can move forward on this and be reasonable and disregard players who bitch to an admin because they are too lazy to work for their items back. 
I had to work for five hours to get my stuff back after what I would consider a dirty trick. No bitching, I asked for my stuff back, the answer was a solid no. I worked and got it back. 



I kill players too but i make sure I Kill them once and give back there stuff. You have to respect when staff dont appreciate the hate that that brings when you spam kill and take items, and grief outside of bases. It makes more work for them

1. You have no proof of killing him 3 times so id take MEanMans Word over yours any day

2. quarrying around base isnt an easy fix, however you can remove signs anytime you want(Very big stretch to call this a grief)

3. I didn't put the signs but i so wish i did so I could teach you some manners

4. last time I checked "Bitching" is offensive language.

5. Mind your own business

6. I cant see how every input you gave on this topic isn't toxic

7. My username is Swimsam1 plz do your worst,


-Again if i missed any info sorry i am very busy




You need to be respectful to your fellow players we are a community after all. Keep it constructive not destructive. 


If you continue to be disrespectful it will only lead to further punishment, we have rules for a reason please read them if you do not know them. Thousands of words in the dictionary find some that aren't offensive to express yourself. 

3 hours ago, Manyouforgot said:

You need to be respectful to your fellow players we are a community after all. Keep it constructive not destructive. 


If you continue to be disrespectful it will only lead to further punishment, we have rules for a reason please read them if you do not know them. Thousands of words in the dictionary find some that aren't offensive to express yourself. 

I don't know what you are talking about, my post was pretty respectful, I was respectful and constructive 



I don't believe swearing at him in almost every sentence is respectful and constructive. Please watch what you say in the future.


(I won't bother adding to what has been said about the signs since you've pretty much said all the relevant details)




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