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FTB Interactions Server updated to mod pack version 1.9.1!

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Server address:  it.craftersland.net


FTB Interactions Server update to mod pack version 1.9.1 is complete, this is a big modpack update from 1.7.0 and few server side changes!



  • Updated 40 mods.
  • Updated all configs.
  • Updated all scripts.
  • Un-banned the creative storage key and re-added it to the quest line.


The update is also available on our Launcher,  download here: LINK


Official change log:


1.9.1 Hotfix
Fixed a crash related to zen events
updated advanced rocketry planetary xmls to use biome mappings instead of hardcoded ids, should fix some biome issues for people. (The planets may need to be regenerated if you
have previously generated incorrect ids)
Mana input hatches have been lowered to 1 mana pool internal buffer from 10
updated randompatches

1.9.0 Update
IMPORTANT: Any update from 1.8+ will cause Super factory managers to lose their programming due to a fundamental change in the way the mod handles data.
The new change allows for higher numbers and stocking with the SFM and is a needed breaking change to improve the mod overall. Please make sure your players
have had a chance to copy down their programs to avoid any added hassle for this important update.

Mod updates:
clean view to v1b
CEU to
forgeline to 1.8.2
FTBLib and FTBQuests updated
JEI to
Mekanism to
Modular diversity to 1.5
passwordlib to 2.1.44
randomtweaks to
randompatches to
soulus to 4.2.2-160ded6
wirelesscrafting terminal to 3.12.93
wizardry to 0.10.8
Xaeros minimap to 1.17.2
Zen summoning to 1.0.16

Config Changes:
Wizardry config updates
Modular Diversity json recipes updated to reflect new daylight syntax
zen events will now use a raw update method to allow the enderchicken to still shed neutronium while held by a physidillic prime (spoiler alert)

Quest Changes:
several bug fixes, no new quests

Recipe Changes:
Importer/exporter crafts from integrated dynamics now requires redstone
burnt emerald crafting should now work as expected
covered superconducting cables now use 144mb of ptfe each instead of 100
all sky cauldron recipes should be working again

v1.8.2 Hotfix
Mod Updates
    GTCE to 1.8.3
        Fixes a major issue with transformers and battery buffers that was voiding energy
    LibrarianLib to 4.19.2
        Fix SpongeForge compat issue (note that we normally do not support SpongeForge issues but seeing as this was a minimal level fix, we made an exception)

v1.8.1 Hotfix
Pack now comes with correct version of Forge

1.8.0 Update
Mod additons:
Added enchantTable mod to retain lapis in enchanting tables

Mod updates
    Zen triggers updated - Fixes enderchicken shedding
    Animus to 2.1.3
    SFM to 2.0.16
    crafttweaker to 4.1.19
    Zensummoning to 1.0.15
    Modular Machinery 1.10.0
        Now has native GTCE implementation, no longer need CEU
    Modular Diversity to 1.3
    Fastbench to 1.7.2
    Gregtech updated to minor version to include many changes and fixes, see GT changelogs for specifics
        All multiblock turbines now require 4x more fuel
        Multiblock turbines need the max amount of fuel at the start, they no longer provide 'partial energy'
        Large Steam turbines now cap at 12.8k EU/t
        Gas turbines now cap at ~32k eu/t
        Plasma turbines can now reach up to ~48k eu/t
    Iron chests to
    Just enough harvestcraft to 1.6.4
    Shadows of Greg updated to 2.8.0
    Quark updated to 1.5-159
    Statskeeper updated to 3.1.13
    Xaeros minimap to 1.17.1
    Xaeros worldmap to 1.3.5
    Wizardry to 0.10.7
    Simpletrophies to 1.2.1
    Resizing potion to 2.1.1
    Mekanism to
    Astral sorcery to 1.10.19
    Deep Mob Learning to 2.5.2
    Librarian lib to 4.19.1

Config Changes
    fixed fluid rarities issues in neromantic prime
    fixed rftools config formatting errors to match new expected formatting

Quest Changes
knocked out over 20+ issues related to questbook, no new quests added just bug fixes

Recipe Changes:
    All chickens eggs are moved off the Composer to crafting grid due to NBT sensitivity, now require burnt emerald (made in Composer)
    Midnight dust recipe addition
    reverted plutonium fluid in improved nether/ender eyes back to radon
    HV pump assembly recipe now properly uses molten steel instead of bronze
    fixed infinite concrete loop
    fixed phosphor ore not spawning in meteors
    updated hundreds of scripts to support new tiered output bonuses for gregtech
    malachite and chalcopyrite copper output


Cross mod interactions!


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