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[Command Request] Alterus


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Account Name: Alterus
Rank: Sponsor
Requested Commands^: Any and all World edit commands allowable. I probably dont need to have stuff like world limit or butcher, but id like copy paste, the wand, drain, fill, some of the QOL like jump/top etc, and the abilities for easy shape construction (domes, et al). Emphasis on dome's. 
Reason for Request*: I've become quite fond of building recently, and just upgraded (from P+ on the advice of a GM who said this was a thing) so I would be able to continue to build easier. World edit would be pretty great for that. I've been very good about following all the proper procedures and have no plans to abuse these perms at all. I just wanna build cool stuff.


EDIT: Domes should be spheres as the command uses sphere


Any update when I can expect a response from an admin?

  • Manager

World Edit Added

Sorry for the delay, I went ahead and gave you full WorldEdit permissions.

Also note all usage is logged, if any abuse is done with WorldEdit will result in removal of the command and all future command requests will be denied.


Sounds good, and not a problem. I believe I read about that in a previous command request. Thanks again!

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