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I create a mob farm with cursed earth.

I put an iron block and setup with a blaze rod a 1x1 chunkloader.

All my farm fit in this chunk.

But when I leave this spot, the farm doesn't work. No more loot.


I precise that the farm work when I'm near it and I try to put a cobblestone in a furnace/do to spawn/come back after 5 mins/cobblestone was smelt, so it's not the chunkloading the problems I suppose...


Thanks in advance




RAD server have a huge TPS problem.

I played for less than 2 weeks and we still have TPS drop, 0.96 tps during 20 secondes every 10mins ...

I think it's one of the reason nothing works well right now...


About the mob farm and chunkloading, you shouldn't put too much entities (mobs) in a small radius of chunk (ideally, it should be 16x16),because if there are too many entities, eventually clearlag will happen which will result in their disappearance.

About the TPS, it's a problem since the server opened because of it's heavy modpacks and very laggy chunks that players load in. Occasional server restarts should solve those hiccups.


My mobfarm always fit in one chunk.

This one is like 14x14.

But it's cursed earth and a very small amount of entities spawn.

It's the problem... not normal it doesn't work at all...


And for tps problem, i totally disagree, I played on FTB revelations with twice the number of players, more mods and less problems happened...

In an other server, I played Enigmatica 2 Expert, same, more mods, more players, more entities, less lag...

So someone need to investigate...

I don't know if you play a little on the server but the restart doesn't change anything. 5min after it's like before.

You can play when you are a few players online, overwise it's tps drop and rollback

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