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[Guide] How To Make Polyethylene on MV (Might work on LV, but was intended for MV)


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How to make Polyethylene using oil/light fuel on MV tier.

1) Machines you will need

   a) Distillery x 2
   b) Chemical Reactor x 3
   c) Centrifuge x 1
   d) Compressor x 1
   e) Fluid Canner x 2
   f) Super Tank I (or higher) x 1
   g) One MV pump x 2
   h) Fluid Pipes (depending your set-up will be the amount needed)
   i) Diamond tanks filled with oil (as many as you can)

2) Steps to follow

 First place the Super tank I and place a pipe with a pump towards the outside, so you can pump oil in to the Super Tank from the diamond tanks filled with oil. The place another pipe with a pump to pump the oil from the Super Tank I
in to the Distillery. This Distillery will need a Circuit #2 to turn oil in to Sulfuric Light Fuel. Pass the Sulfuric Light Fuel in to a Chemical Reactor with Hydrogen Cells and Circuit #4. (next line will tell you how to get the cells)

 You will need a Centrifuge with Yellow/Brown Limonite + Empty cells to produce Hydrogen (it will also produce oxygen cells). Pass the Hydrogen directly in to a fluid canner with empty cells so you can fill the cells with Hydrogen.

Once the Chemical reactor has the Sulfuric Light Fuel and the Hydrogen cells with Circuit #4, it will turn the Sulfuric Light Fuel In to Light Fuel. Then you will need to pass the Light Fuel in to a Chemical reactor with steam cells
and Circuit #3. (Next line will tell you how to get Steam in to cells)

 You will need a steam pipe line connected in to a Fluid canner with empty cells, so you can fill the cells with steam. 

Once you pass the Steam Cells in to the Chemical Reactor with Light Fuel and Circuit #3, it will turn the light fuel in to Severely Steam-Cracked Light Fuel (SSCLF for short). Pass the SSCLF in to a Distillery with Circuit #10 to
produce Ethylene. Then you will need to pass the Ethylene in to a Chemical reactor with Compressed air cells and Circuit #1. (Next line will tell you how to get the Compressed air cells)

 You will need a Compressor with Empty cells to produce the Compressed Air Cells.

Once you have the Compressed Air Cells, you will need to pass it in to the Chemical Reactor with Ethylene and Circuit #1 to produce Molten Polyethylene. 

Note, you can either build a storage tank for the Molten Polyethylene or pass it to a Fluid Solidifier with Ingots mold to produce the Polyethylene ingots. But my advice will be to sent the Molten Polyethylene to a liquid storage and
from the liquid storage pass it to the fluid solidifier, in that way you will always have enough Molten Polyethylene when needed. 

This is the way i would do it, doesn't necessary mean is the only way, Polyethylene has many ways of doing it, some more effective than other. 

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