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Server update to version 1.13.2 is complete! This is a large modpack update with tons of mods that got updated

You can download this update on FTB App or CraftersLand Launcher.



  • Updated 121 mods
  • Added 1 compatibility mod
  • Update configs and scripts
  • Updated Forge version and platform software
  • Update LukyPerms
  • Executed the monthly maintenance


Official Changelog:


**Hotfix 1.13.2**

- Fixed some worlds getting stuck on loading due to Flux Networks chunk loading priority.

**Content updates:**
- FLUX NETWORKS: Fix chunk loading priority. Rewrite network handler and update network protocol. Release heavy buffers when logging out from a server. Fix invalidation for energy capability instances.

*Mod updates:**
- FluxNetworks-1.16.5-


- Fixed the crash caused by using a Mekanism Cardboard Box on a spawner by updating MineColonies ([#552](https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Modpack-Issues/issues/552)).

**Content updates (alphabetical order by mod):**
- ARS NOUVEAU: Fixes vexes, summoning focus, lag with ars nouveau fake players and cost reduction on enchanters sword.
- CHISEL AND BITS: Fix radial menu.
- FLUX NETWORKS: Slightly adjust the behavior of creating flux in world. Rewrite network handler, update network protocol.
- FTB CHUNKS: Added event to add custom icons on map, added entities to large map, border around player icons, added auto blur mode, new icon when waypoint is outside minimap, made zoomed in map a lot smoother, fixed teleport Y in unknown chunks. Added in-world icons for waypoints, fixed waypoint colors.
- GAUGES AND SWITCHES: Fixed Link Receiver signal modes.
- MCJTYLIB: Backported better container system from 1.18.
- MINECOLONIES: Unassign courier from warehouse if not courier anymore. Stop herders from requesting food if breeding is turned off. Fix guard stuck without weapon. Add block selector to miner. Add more mineshaft types to the miner. Fix the miner dumping too much. Better miner fluid handling. Fix citizen entity duplicating on backup load.  Fix guards not always getting their modifiers added correctly.
- RFTOOLS STORAGE: Small fix with sorting mode for the storage scanner. Lag reduction when opening the modular storage user interface.
- RFTOOLS UTILITY: Made the dialer more performant.
- PNEUMATICCRAFT REPRESSURIZED: A complete retexture of the entire mod, courtesy of Ridanisaurus. No functional (gameplay) changes in this release, just a whole lot prettier all round! The texture of the various Reinforced Stone blocks has changed; if you want to use the old textures, look at the new Compressed Stone blocks.
- RS REQUESTIFY: Really fixed crafting emitter drop.

**Mod updates:**
- ars_nouveau-1.16.5-1.24.14.jar
- BetterCompatibilityChecker-1.0.7-build.22+mc1.16.5.jar
- chiselsandbits-1.0.63.jar
- CodeChickenLib-1.16.5-
- curios-forge-1.16.5-
- FluxNetworks-1.16.5-
- ftb-chunks-forge-1605.3.2-build.95.jar
- geckolib-forge-1.16.5-3.0.58.jar
- itemcollectors-1.1.4-mc1.16.jar
- mcjtylib-1.16-5.1.3.jar
- minecolonies-1.16.5-1.0.337-BETA.jar
- moredragoneggs-2.4.jar
- pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.5-2.15.0-289.jar
- restrictions-1.16-3.0.6.jar
- rftoolsbase-1.16-2.1.2.jar
- rftoolsbuilder-1.16-3.1.5.jar
- rftoolscontrol-1.16-4.0.14.jar
- rftoolsdim-1.16-7.0.20-beta.jar
- rftoolspower-1.16-3.0.12.jar
- rftoolsstorage-1.16-2.0.16.jar
- rftoolsutility-1.16-3.1.8.jar
- rsgauges-1.16.5-1.2.13.jar
- rsrequestify-1.16.5-2.1.6.jar
- simplemagnets-1.1.4-mc1.16.jar
- supermartijn642corelib-1.0.16-mc1.16.5.jar
- trashcans-1.0.12-mc1.16.jar
- xnet-1.16-3.0.16.jar


**Forge updated to 36.2.22**, this patches the Log4J vulnerability no matter what your launcher is.

**Important changes:**
- Chisel & Bits has been updated to match the current releases. Keep a backup before updating in case.
- Mekanism 10.1 update has been released and is now in this modpack (see below for details).
- Better Compatibility Checker will allow you to see your server's version before logging in and will reduce confusion, the red X in the Multiplayer menu will be replaced by it.

**Content updates (alphabetical order by mod):**
- ARS NOUVEAU: Spell parchments have been reworked and will be wiped when you load the world. They now store colors. Minor fixes across the mod. Adds many new recipes to Crush for creating bonus dye from flowers, extra sugar, red sand from terracotta, bonus chance for flint from gravel, and much more. Fixed lag with block placing spells. Create dyes from Magebloom and Source Berries!  Familiars now correctly grant spell cast bonuses.
- BLOOD MAGIC: Fixed crash with Living Armour. Increased range of the Tau plant to a 3x1x3 block range centered on the plant. Thus makes it easier to farm the Saturated version. Fixed the Dagger of sacrifice messing with death events.
- BOTANIA: This will be the final update for Botania on 1.16.5. williewillus (Botania maintainer) thanks you for your support! Horns and Drums will not break blocks when in range of an active Bergamute. Various fixes with flowers and some items that manipulate mana such as the Narslimmus, Mana Blaster, Bellows and Mana Void. Fixed some typos and Botania documentation.
- CC TWEAKED: Pocket computers in their offhand will open without showing a terminal. Peripherals can now have multiple types. `peripheral.getType` now returns multiple values. Increase the file upload limit to 512KiB. Speakers can now play arbitrary PCM audio. Various documentation improvements. Bugfixes with Wired Modems, Turtles, Pocket Computers, Speakers, Peripherals.
- CHISEL & BITS: The mod has been rewritten, and we are now updated with the full release! Feel free to use it in your builds and try it out!
- CREATE: Blaze Burners can now be picked up using the Wrench. Improved piston/pulley contraption collision with blocks in the world. Enhancements with the Toolbox radial menu. Shulker boxes can no longer be placed inside toolboxes. Added in-world toolbox dyeing. Gantry Shafts can now be configured to have a stress impact. Various fixes with Chutes, Fluid Pipes, Crafters, Item extraction interactions with Storage Drawers, Deployers and some JEI fixes regarding Create's recipes.
- CYCLIC: The Item User can now simulate the left click.
- DUNGEON CRAWL: Reduced the mob spawn rates in the first two layers. Most parts of the dungeon now generate through air and with pillars (experimental). Changed the theme of the last layer (experimental). Made wither skeleton spawners less common (especially in the last layer).
- ENTANGLED: Added a config option to set whether the bound blocks rendered inside entangled blocks should rotate.
- EXTRA STORAGE: Disabled the mekanism cardboard box to move crafters.
- EXTREME REACTORS: Added the Verderium fuel. The top tier fuel. Extreme Reactors now support fuels (and wastes) reactants in fluid form that you can insert in your Reactors without any material loss using the new Fuel Injection Port set in inlet mode. Fluid wastes will be ejected into an Injection Port set in outlet mode. New multiblock machine to make fluid fuels, the Fluidizer! You will need a Controller, a Power Port, an Output Port and the usual mix of Casing and Glass parts (if you like the Glass, right now the fluid is not rendered inside the multiblock). There are two kind of Injector Ports that will let you insert material in the Fluidizer, Fluidizer Solid Injector for solid ingots or blocks and Fluidizer Fluid Injector for liquid fuels. Two Injectors will let you convert and mix two different solid/fluid fuels into a new type of fluid fuel! Mixing fuels with usually give you a *better fuel* than the original ones. Added the Rossinite waste. It will make you go fast like the GOAT. Fix Reprocessor Waste Injector rejecting items from pipes and multiblocks occasionally not assembling on world load.
- IMMERSIVE ENGINEERING: Fixed rendering issues and animations. Fixes on various itemstack transfers in GUI and in slots. Fixed various JEI integrations. Fix diesel generator not toggling on and off correctly.
- INDUSTRIAL FOREGOING: Added redstone support for the infinity charger. Enchantment Applicator wont reduce the current item level if its over max level. Fixed Artifact Infinity Drill not having the proper depth when mining. Added a mob crusher instant kill blacklist and added the ender dragon to it. Add certus quartz to Laser Drill recipes. Various fixes with Filters, Black Hole Controllers and Tanks and Fluid Sieving Machine output slot accepting items.
- INTEGRATED TUNNELS: Fix Player Simulator not applying correct weapon damage.
- MANA AND ARTIFICE: Added Practitioners Pouch. This does everything the ritual kits did and more. These functions are unlocked via patches that you apply to the pouch (using a sorcerous sewing set on the bag+patch at the runic anvil). Spell books and Grimoires are now dyeable! Grimoires now allow 16 spells. Possession now is aware of most mobs with ranged attacks and left clicking will use them appropriately, additionally, increased the default duration of Possession. Several items have new models and textures. Added the Cowl of Consumption, a high tier artifact for the undead. Chalk can no longer be enchanted. Added Gilded and Fireproof enchantments. Added Pilgrim's Aura! Auras can now stack with other enchantments, just not other auras. A huge amount of fixes and balance changes to a lot of items. Added Odin, a boss! Good luck!
- MEKANISM: Massive 10.1 update! Read more about it on [the Reddit post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/rmcthj/mekanism_101_released/). A new crafting window system for the QIO (with full support for JEIs recipe transfer system). Added a new (API exposed) skin system for Robits. Added an HDPE Reinforced Elytra and an Elytra Unit for the MekaSuit (that can be used in combination with the Jetpack Unit to achieve a similar effect as using firework rockets). More MekaSuit modules... And much more including balance changes! All is in the provided Reddit post and with images.
- PNEUMATICCRAFT REPRESSURIZED: Fixed problems with Pressure Chamber valves exploding on multiblock break/reform when there are Volume Modules installed. Fixes with Aerial Interface and Charging Module. Some fixes around inline tube module behavior. Only server ops (command permission level >= 2) are now fully exempt from security station block protection. Fixed some crashes on client and server.
- POCKET STORAGE: Overhaul of the mod for backing storage system and upgrade recipe. Added little slot numbers to the slots in the ui. Added commands to recover lost pocket storages.
- REFINED PIPES: Changed textures and models, big visual upgrade! Fixed some crashes related to using the pipes.
- RELIQUARY: Added tinker's compatibility for melee weapons in pedestal.
- RFTOOLS DIMENSIONS: Fixed a bug with the block absorber. It would only be able to absorb blocks that the player can break by hand. The Dimension Editor is back!
- RFTOOLS UTILITY: Big fixes on the crafter. It works much cleaner now, will actually remember recipes and works properly with JEI (instead of only now and then).
- STATUES: Add a recipe for the Player Statue but only in Hardcore Mode.
- STORAGE DRAWERS: New generic recipe to pre-populate a drawer with upgrades by combining on crafting table (thanks to LexManos). Added crimson and warped wood plank variants. Increased the default controller range from 12 to 50. Added back fill level upgrade. TOP integration and optimization for FPS.
- THERMAL: New crop, Amaranth used to make Witch's Food Cake. It's also really pretty. Slag and Rich Slag have some decorative versions now. The Crescent Hammer now has a mode toggle for Engineer Vision to help you set up in-world automation and more things! Quite a few foods are all completed and normally available crops in the mod are now used. Added the Reservoir (Innovation) to hold 16 buckets of fluid, augmentable, dyeable. Added Satchels (Foundation/Core), augmentable, dyeable. Added Slot Seal (Expansion) to allow blocking some slots to prevent inputs from going there. Tool Improvements (Innovation), they can now be dyed and Curios is now supported! Experience, Honey, and Potion Bottles can now be directly emptied into/filled from Thermal blocks. Fixed some issues related to textures and graphics, and improved a ton of code! Read the full changelog [on Github here](https://github.com/CoFH/Version/blob/main/thermal/changelog.md), versions 1.16.5-1.4.1 and 1.16.5-1.4.0.
- TINKER'S CONSTRUCT: Added three sets of modifiable armor: travelers (made from copper and leather), plate (made from manyullyn and chain), and slimesuit (made from a mob head and enderslime). Added a lot of armor modifiers, upgrades, abilities, etc. New tool modifiers => *Nohanded* (Upgraded form of offhanded, entirely disables tool interaction ability. Indented to allow a tool in the main hand and using a chestplate interaction ability in the offhand), *Sticky* (Causes slowness on the attacked target), *The One Probe* (Compatibility, grants access to the One Probe UI while holding). Tinker tools now support vanilla curses, and will attempt to preserve enchantments applied from other sources. Daggers are now an effect tool for any vanilla hoe harvestable blocks. Added piglin, piglin brute, and zombified piglin slimeskulls. When interacting with clear item frames, redirects the interaction to the block behind if the clear frame is filled and you are not sneaking. Makes them ideal for chest labels. And many more changes... read them all on the [Github releases page here](https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/releases) for versions, and!
- WOOT: Fixed crashes with Blood Magic Ritual of the Martyr.

- Added some enchantment descriptions that were missing.
- Added Aquamarine Shale and Rock Crystal Ore to the Laser Drill ([#360](https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Modpack-Issues/issues/360)).
- Added Aquamarine Shale to Environmental Tech Magical Ore Miner program for parity, for tiers 4 through 8.
- Fixed triple Copper ore gen and adjusted rates to be similar to how it was before([#279](https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Presents-Direwolf20-1.16/issues/279)).
- Astral Sorcery Void Trash Ore Perk and Stone Enrichment Ore Perk now match what the Mineralis ritual can generate.
- Astral Sorcery Evershifting Fountain's Neromantic Prime can now collect PneumaticCraft Oil in large but limited quantities.

**Mods added:**
- BetterCompatibilityChecker-1.0.6-build.19+mc1.16.5.jar

**Mod updates:**
- appliedenergistics2-8.4.6.jar
- archers_paradox-1.16.5-
- architectury-1.28.48.jar
- ars_nouveau-1.16.5-1.24.12.jar
- BloodMagic-1.16.4-3.1.7-27.jar
- Botania-1.16.5-420.1.jar
- cc-tweaked-1.16.5-1.100.1.jar
- chiselsandbits-1.0.43.jar
- cloth-config-4.13.49-forge.jar
- CodeChickenLib-1.16.5-
- cofh_core-1.16.5-
- configured-1.5.1-1.16.5.jar
- create-mc1.16.5_v0.3.2g.jar
- curios-forge-1.16.5-
- Cyclic-1.16.5-1.5.13.jar
- DeLogger-3.0.4-build.20+mc1.16.5.jar
- DungeonCrawl-1.16.5-2.3.5.jar
- emojiful-1.16.4-2.1.6.jar
- EnchantmentDescriptions-1.16.5-7.0.18.jar
- ensorcellation-1.16.5-
- entangled-1.3.10-mc1.16.jar
- ExtraStorage-1.16.5-1.6.0.jar
- ExtremeReactors2-1.16.5-2.0.37.jar
- FastFurnace-1.16.5-4.5.0.jar
- FastLeafDecay-v25.2.jar
- FastWorkbench-1.16.5-4.6.1.jar
- findme-1.16.3-
- flywheel-1.16-0.2.5.jar
- ftbauxilium-forge-1605.1.4-build.27-forge.jar
- ftb-chunks-forge-1605.3.2-build.91.jar
- ftb-library-forge-1605.3.4-build.90.jar
- ftb-teams-forge-1605.2.3-build.40.jar
- geckolib-forge-1.16.5-3.0.57.jar
- gravestone-1.16.5-1.0.7.jar
- ImmersiveEngineering-1.16.5-5.0.7-143.jar
- industrial-foregoing-1.16.5-
- IntegratedDynamics-1.16.5-1.10.6.jar
- IntegratedTerminals-1.16.5-1.2.11.jar
- IntegratedTunnels-1.16.5-1.8.9.jar
- ironchest-1.16.5-11.2.21.jar
- JAMD-1.2.4-build.17+mc1.16.5.jar
- jei-1.16.5-
- JustEnoughResources-1.16.5-
- kubejs-create-1605.1.4-build.12.jar
- kubejs-forge-1605.3.19-build.258.jar
- kubejs-immersive-engineering-1605.1.2-build.4.jar
- kubejs-thermal-1605.1.4-build.4.jar
- mana-and-artifice-
- Mantle-1.16.5-1.6.152.jar
- mcjtylib-1.16-5.1.2.jar
- mcw-bridges-2.0.1-mc1.16.5.jar
- mcw-doors-1.0.5-mc1.16.5.jar
- mcw-trapdoors-1.0.4-mc1.16.5.jar
- mcw-windows-2.0.2-mc1.16.5.jar
- Mekanism-1.16.5-
- MekanismGenerators-1.16.5-
- MekanismTools-1.16.5-
- minecolonies-1.16.5-1.0.311-BETA.jar
- moredragoneggs-2.3.jar
- MythicBotany-1.16.5-1.4.19.jar
- Placebo-1.16.5-4.6.1.jar
- pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.5-2.14.7-283.jar
- pocketstorage-1.16.5-1.0.0-build.13.jar
- refinedpipes-0.5.1.jar
- reliquary-1.16.5-
- restrictions-1.16-3.0.5.jar
- rftoolsbase-1.16-2.1.1.jar
- rftoolsbuilder-1.16-3.1.4.jar
- rftoolscontrol-1.16-4.0.13.jar
- rftoolsdim-1.16-7.0.19-beta.jar
- rftoolspower-1.16-3.0.11.jar
- rftoolsstorage-1.16-2.0.15.jar
- rftoolsutility-1.16-3.1.7.jar
- simplemagnets-1.1.3-mc1.16.jar
- simplybackpacks-1.16.5-2.0.1-build.27.jar
- Statues-1.16.5-
- StorageDrawers-1.16.3-8.5.0.jar
- supermartijn642corelib-1.0.15-mc1.16.5.jar
- TConstruct-1.16.5-
- tetra-1.16.5-3.20.0.jar
- thermal_cultivation-1.16.5-
- thermal_expansion-1.16.5-
- thermal_foundation-1.16.5-
- thermal_innovation-1.16.5-
- thermal_locomotion-1.16.5-
- titanium-1.16.5-
- ToastControl-1.16.5-4.4.0.jar
- trashcans-1.0.11-mc1.16.jar
- twilightforest-1.16.5-4.0.870-universal.jar
- woot-1.16.5-
- xnet-1.16-3.0.15.jar
- XNetGases-1.16.5-2.3.9.jar
- ZeroCore2-1.16.5-2.1.9.jar

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