Slit Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Every few days or so I get questions like "How do I do [insert request] with computercraft" or "Can you teach me the basics of computercraft?". Sadly I'm not a good teacher, but this is the topic where I'm going to try and help you guys learn some CC as well as give you guys a place to show off your CC based creations. Requesting help: If you need help with computercraft that's ok keep in mind the more complex your idea, the more in depth you'll need to get into computercraft. To allow me to help you the best please follow this format for asking for help. Problem: Problem code (use if possible): Starting with CC: ComputerCraft is a mod that brings real life coding skills into Minecraft (or in this case Tekkit). The mod uses a simple programming language called Lua. The language is a good place to start if you have no programming knowledge at all and just need/want a place to start learning the basics. Along with the core ComputerCraft mod Tekkit has a bunch of other mods that coexist and build off the basic functions of ComputerCraft. These mods range from being able to move things around in chests to reading the in game weather to monitoring Bigreactors to make them even more efficient. To interact with these new addons you'll need to wrap them as a peripheral (like your keyboard or mouse). To do this open the lua prompt by right clicking your computer and typing lua in the command line, it should look like this except if you are using Tekkit it will say computercraft 1.5 instead of 1.6 After that press enter to submit your command and the Lua prompt will pop up like this Next you will want to wrap your object you are trying to interact with. To do that exit out of the menu by pressing escape and look at where peripheral is in relation to the computer (the object must touch the computer on one of its sides to directly wrap it. For this tutorial I will put my peripheral on the right of my computer. Then go back into the computer by right clicking it and type <variable name> = peripheral.wrap(<side>) where <variable name> is whatever you want to name your peripheral and <side> is the side that your peripheral is on so if i wanted to name my peripheral "p" (I'm so creative) and it was on the right i would write p = peripheral.wrap("right") If you correctly entered the code and hit enter there will be no error messages and it will look like nothing happened, however now you can use the command <variable name>.listMethods() where <variable name> is the name you assigned your peripheral earlier. If the block you wrapped is a valid peripheral it will write a list of functions that you can call by using <variable name>.<command> where <command> is one of those functions that was written after you used the listMethods() function. Now the rest is up to your imagination. Almost anything that you can think of can be done with ComputerCraft. My Projects: So here is the project that I'm working on. It's a shop system that uses Applied Energistics to supply items and CC to request and manage the shopper part of the transaction. I have a working version of the code, but its very lengthy and its hard to add remove different items. This is my attempt to make it smaller. MasterTable = {} PageTables = {} NumberEntries = 0 ashCount = 0 pTotal = 0 cSide = "left" directs = "east" clrline = " " function guistart()--Opening GUI. clearAll() term.setCursorPos(2,9) write("Welcome, please insert ash and click the screen.") local event = os.pullEvent() clearAll() checkmoney() end function checkmoney()--Checks the amount of money in a defined chest. chest = peripheral.wrap(cSide) chest.condenseItems() for i = 1,81 do tb = chest.getStackInSlot(i) if tb == nil then elseif == 27004 then countash = tonumber(tb.qty) ashCount = ashCount + countash chest.pushItem(directs,i,64) end end end function clearAll()--Clears and resets the screen colors/text. term.clear() term.setTextColor( term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white) for i=1,27 do term.setCursorPos(1,i) write(clrline) end term.setCursorPos(1,1) end function newline()--Moves cursor to a new line. local xpos,ypos = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorPos(1,ypos + 1) end function fillorder(id,dmg,qty)--Handles orders over the size of 64. sleep(1) while qty > 64 do stack = {id=id,dmg=dmg,qty=64} reqitems(stack) qty = qty - 64 end if qty < 64 then stack = {id=id,dmg=dmg,qty=qty} reqitems(stack) end end function reqitems(stack)--Requests items. me = peripheral.wrap(meSide) me.extractItem(stack,directs) stackstr = textutils.serialize(stack) print(stackstr) rednet.broadcast(stackstr) stackstr = {} end function addSell(itemName,ID,DMG,price,qty) _G["b"..itemName] = 0 _G["Sell"..itemName] = {itemName=itemName,ID=ID,DMG=DMG,price=price,qty=qty} table.insert(MasterTable,"Sell"..itemName) NumberEntries = NumberEntries + 1 end function formatSelling() entnum = 0 currentTable = 1 persnum = 0 _G["Page"..currentTable] = {} for _ in pairs(MasterTable) do persnum = persnum + 1 if entnum == 16 then entnum = 1 currentTable = currentTable + 1 _G["Page"..currentTable] = {} end table.insert(_G["Page"..currentTable],persnum) entnum = entnum + 1 end end function printPage(PageNUM) entnum = 0 term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) x,y = term.getSize() write("-Name------------------Price---------------In cart-") newline() for _ in pairs(_G["Page"..PageNUM]) do entnum = entnum + 1 Page = _G["Page"..PageNUM] mastnum = textutils.serialize(Page[entnum]) mastvald = textutils.serialize(MasterTable[tonumber(mastnum)]) mastval = string.gsub(mastvald, '"', "") linewr = _G[mastval] write(linewr.itemName.." x"..linewr.qty) prices = "Ash x"..linewr.price x1,y1 = term.getCursorPos() cmplen = string.len(prices) deb = math.floor(x/2) term.setCursorPos(deb,y1) write(prices) deb2 = string.len(_G["b"..linewr.itemName]) term.setCursorPos(x-deb2,y1) write(_G["b"..linewr.itemName]) newline() end term.setCursorPos(1,y-1) write("------------------------Refund---------------------") newline() write("-Previous Page----------BUY IT---------Next Page-") end --addSell(itemName,ID,DMG,price,qty) addSell("Diamond Block",57,0,1,1) addSell("Lapis Block",22,0,1,2) addSell("Gold Block",41,0,1,1) addSell("Redstone Block",152,0,1,4) addSell("Emerald Block",133,0,2,1) addSell("Glowstone",89,0,1,8) addSell("Ender Pearl",368,0,1,8) addSell("Aluminum Block",590,11,1,2) addSell("Tin Block",928,1,1,4) addSell("Copper Block",928,0,1,4) addSell("Yellorium Block",1763,0,1,2) addSell("Lead Block",928,3,1,4) addSell("Silver Block",928,2,1,2) addSell("Leather",334,0,1,4) addSell("Steel",14239,0,1,8) addSell("Coal Block",173,0,1,4) addSell("Singularity",5758,27,16,1) addSell("Sugarcane",338,0,1,8) addSell("Wheat",296,0,1,12) addSell("PArmor Tinker Table",2477,0,10,1) addSell("PArmor Boots",25030,0,10,1) addSell("PArmor Legs",25029,0,10,1) addSell("PArmor Helmet",25027,0,10,1) addSell("PArmor Chest",25028,0,10,1) formatSelling() guistart() printPage(1) currentPage = 1 running = true while running do event, side, w, h = os.pullEvent("mouse_click") if h > 1 and h < 18 then Page = _G["Page"..currentPage] mastnum1 = Page[h-1] mastvald1 = textutils.serialize(MasterTable[tonumber(mastnum1)]) mastval1 = string.gsub(mastvald1, '"', "") linewr1 = _G[mastval1] if linewr1 ~= nil and ashCount >= pTotal + linewr1.price then _G["b"..linewr1.itemName] = _G["b"..linewr1.itemName] + 1 pTotal = pTotal + linewr1.price end printPage(currentPage) elseif h == 19 and w > 40 then currentPage = currentPage + 1 if _G["Page"..currentPage] ~= nil then printPage(currentPage) else currentPage = currentPage - 1 end elseif h == 19 and w < 15 then currentPage = currentPage - 1 if _G["Page"..currentPage] ~= nil then printPage(currentPage) else currentPage = currentPage + 1 end elseif h == 19 and (w > 25 and w < 34) then i = 0 for _ in pairs(MasterTable) do clearAll() i = i + 1 cleanval = string.gsub((textutils.serialize(MasterTable[i])), '"', "") buyTable = _G[cleanval] qty = _G["b"..buyTable.itemName] id = buyTable.ID dmg = buyTable.DMG write(buyTable.itemName,id,dmg,qty) --fillorder(id,dmg,qty) newline() end end end Random snippits: Just some tiny things that might be useful This just grabs your code from pastebin and runs it, if you have a program that frequently needs updating this makes it way easier."delete","x")"pastebin","get",<pastebin code>,"x")"x")
Slit Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 Had this script for a while now and finaly tweaked it to a point where I think I can put it out. These scripts will let you send an email to anyone or even a text message. My plan is to make a radar system that sends me a text and email whenever someone gets near my base. (it still needs lots of work) Anyways here are the things you'll need: 1 Computercraft computer 1 Webhosting service and 1 Idea for what you're gonna use this in Installing: What you'll need to do first is get your webhosting service up and running. Get yourself familiar with it. Next upload this script to a place that can be accessed by an outside browser (eg, the 'public_html' folder) <?php $message = urldecode($_GET['message']); $email = urldecode($_GET['to']); mail("$email", "AUTOMATED_MESSAGE:", "$message" ); ?> After that go to your ingame terminal and add this script to your script msg = "YOURMESSAGEHERE" msgTo = """..textutils.urlEncode(tostring(msg)).."&to="..textutils.urlEncode(tostring(msgTo))) Then run it with your values substituted in and voila you should have an email in your inbox. Have fun with it, talk to yourself, have a sensual conversation with a mysterious you on the other side.. but seriously I thought it would be pretty useful so yea, here it is.
Slit Posted October 5, 2015 Author Posted October 5, 2015 Been a while since I've posted anything on this topic, but I did things :3 While coding I realized that there are a few things that I like to use (centered text, progress bars, buttons, etc) that added loads to the visual appeal of a script, however they were annoying to copy over to each new script each time and often cluttered my otherwise fresh workspace. After looking at api's and their uses in lua I decided to write my own. As of this post it contains functions for: Centered text a print function for monitors Progress bars The ability to scan for all of a certain type of peripheral Buttons The code is as follows at the time of this post function centerText(line,color,text,mon) --centerText(1,colors.white,"Hello World",nil) if mon ~= nil then local ox,oy = mon.getCursorPos() local x,y = mon.getSize() local mid = (x/2)-(string.len(text)/2) mon.setCursorPos(mid,line) mon.setTextColor(color) mon.write(text) mon.setTextColor(colors.white) mon.setCursorPos(ox,oy) else local ox,oy = term.getCursorPos() local x,y = term.getSize() local mid = (x/2)-(string.len(text)/2) term.setCursorPos(mid,line) term.setTextColor(color) term.write(text) term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setCursorPos(ox,oy) end end function m_print(mon,text) local x,y = mon.getCursorPos() mon.write(text) mon.setCursorPos(1,y+1) end function progBar(ypos,pfull,text,barColor,mon) --pfull = percent full as a decimal ex, 80% = .8 if mon ~= nil then local allText = math.floor(pfull*100).."% "..text mon.setBackgroundColor(barColor) local x,y = mon.getSize() local pfull2 = math.floor(pfull*(x-6)) for i=3,x-3 do mon.setCursorPos(i,ypos) mon.write(" ") end if pfull < 0.6 then mon.setBackgroundColor( elseif pfull > 0.6 and pfull < 0.8 then mon.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow) elseif pfull > 0.8 then mon.setBackgroundColor( end for i=3,pfull2 do mon.setCursorPos(i,ypos) mon.write(" ") end local half = (x/2)-(string.len(allText)/2) mon.setBackgroundColor( mon.setCursorPos(half,ypos+1) mon.write(allText) else local allText = math.floor(pfull*100).."% "..text term.setBackgroundColor(barColor) local x,y = term.getSize() local pfull2 = math.floor(pfull*(x-6)) for i=3,x-3 do term.setCursorPos(i,ypos) term.write(" ") end if pfull < 0.6 then term.setBackgroundColor( elseif pfull > 0.6 and pfull < 0.8 then term.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow) elseif pfull > 0.8 then term.setBackgroundColor( end for i=3,pfull2 do term.setCursorPos(i,ypos) term.write(" ") end local half = (x/2)-(string.len(allText)/2) term.setBackgroundColor( term.setCursorPos(half,ypos+1) term.write(allText) end end function allPeripherals(ptype) local peripherals = {} for _,perip in pairs(peripheral.getNames()) do if peripheral.getType(perip) == ptype then table.insert(peripherals,perip) end end if peripherals ~= nil then return peripherals else return false end end function buttonRun(buttonsData,mon) --{{xpos,ypos,ysize,xsize,buttoncolor,textcolor,text,func,args,exitAfter},{...}} local allButtons = {} if mon ~= nil then else for _,buttonData in pairs(buttonsData) do local curButton = { xmin = buttonData.xpos; xmax = buttonData.xpos+buttonData.xsize; ymin = buttonData.ypos; ymax = buttonData.ypos+buttonData.ysize; func = buttonData.func; args = buttonData.args; exitAfter = buttonData.exitAfter; } table.insert(allButtons,curButton) local oldText = term.getTextColor() local oldBack = term.getBackgroundColor() term.setCursorPos(buttonData.xpos,buttonData.ypos) term.setTextColor(buttonData.textColor) term.setBackgroundColor(buttonData.buttonColor) for i=1,buttonData.ysize do term.setCursorPos(buttonData.xpos,buttonData.ypos+(i-1)) for o=1,buttonData.xsize do term.write(" ") end end local xhalf = (buttonData.xpos+(buttonData.xsize/2))-(string.len(buttonData.text)/2) local yhalf = buttonData.ypos+(buttonData.ysize/2) term.setCursorPos(xhalf,yhalf) term.write(buttonData.text) term.setTextColor(oldText) term.setBackgroundColor(oldBack) end local running = true while running do local event,button,xpos,ypos = os.pullEvent("mouse_click") for _,tB in pairs(allButtons) do if (xpos >= tB.xmin and xpos <= tB.xmax) and (ypos >= tB.ymin and ypos <= tB.ymax)then if tB.exitAfter then if tB.func ~= nil then tB.func(table.unpack(tB.args)) end running = false else tB.func(table.unpack(tB.args)) end end end --local event,side,xpos,ypos = os.pullEvent("monitor_touch") For monitors instead of terminals end end end Or if you want to actually be able to read the script correctly here is the pastebin link (It keeps indentations on pastebin so it actually looks decent) So now you may ask yourself "hm, that's nice and all but I don't understand anything about this, HOW DO I USE IT?!" . Below are instructions/syntax for each function and how to import it into your own projects. Enjoy. "How do I put this into my own script" If you want an easy way to use this copy the script below into your own program and begin using the api as documented later in this post. function essentialsAPI()"delete","eAPI")"pastebin","get","f2Ysr4i0","eAPI") os.loadAPI("eAPI") end essentialsAPI() However if you have a script that frequently restarts it may fail from time to time. Because of the nature of this snippit, it pulls the most recent version of itself from pastebin which isn't always a working version if I am tweaking or adding things to the script. The better way to use this would be to grab it once while its stable by using pastebin get f2Ysr4i0 eAPI and then adding os.loadAPI("eAPI") "How do I use the centerText() function?" Assuming you used the aforementioned method for inserting this api into your script the syntax is as follows... eAPI.centerText(line,textColor,text,monitor) So if you wanted to put some blue centered text that said "Hello World" on line 3 of your monitor that is on top of your computer you would use the following code mon = peripheral.wrap("top") eAPI.centerText(3,,"Hello World",mon) or if you instead wanted to write the text on the computer screen instead you would remove the variable named 'mon' eAPI.centerText(3,,"Hello World") "How do I use the m_print (print function for monitors)?" m_print() works almost exactly to print() except it is designed to be used on monitors instead. The syntax is as follows m_print(mon,text) If you wanted to write "Hello World" on the top monitor the code would look like mon = peripheral.wrap("top") eAPI.m_print(mon,"Hello World") "How do I use the progBar() function?" The progBar function is a basic progress bar.... that's really all it is. eAPI.progBar(ypos,pfull,text,barColor,mon) This one is a little bit more tricky to use. The variable ypos represents the line of the monitor or terminal that the bar appears on. pfull is the percent that the bar is full as a decimal, ex .8 = 80% .25 = 25%. mon behaves the same as the rest of the other functions already stated. If mon is present it must be equal to peripheral.wrap("side") if you want it to display on the monitor, or if you want the bar to be on a monitor just leave that variable out and it will print there instead. The bar used correctly at 37% full on line 3 using "How do I use allPeripherals()?" Right out of the gate I'm going to say it. This function isn't useful in the slightest if just used by itself. However paired with a little bit more code it can be fairly powerful. When provided with the name of a peripheral as a string (ex. "monitor") it will search for all of those types of peripherals out of all the ones its connected to and compile them into a table. Syntax eAPI.allPeripherals(ptype) Using the code by itself is as easy as it gets, to search for all the monitors on the network the computer is connected to, you would use.. eAPI.allPeripherals("monitor") However just doing that accomplishes nothing. The real use of the function comes in when you have a large network of monitors connected together that all need to display the same information. For example, you want to use the progBar() function on a ton of monitors to display the same information. To do that you would first connect all of the monitors and the computer together using wired modems and networking cable. Then to display a progress bar with 37%,, all on line 3 for all connected monitors you would use the following code... os.loadAPI('eAPI') for _,mn in pairs(eAPI.allPeripherals("monitor") do local temp = peripheral.wrap(mn) eAPI.progBar(3,0.37,"rf Capacity",,temp) end "How do I use buttonRun()?" Here it is, the big one. The problem of easily configurealbe buttons as stumped me for a long time. Oddly enough this came out more as a gui engine than anything, so its a little more difficult to use but still way faster than manually coding in all the touch functionality and the ability to run functions with a button. To use this function requires a few tables and some syntax that I'm not completely set on, so it might change sometime in the future. Syntax: buttonRun(buttonsData,mon) Simple enough right? Drop in the button data and a monitor (don't do that right now, I haven't added monitor support for it yet) and you're good to go...... heh, heh.. yea. buttonsData is a table of tables that contain the data for each button. example: (I strongly advise that you copy this code into your pc and mess around with it to help you learn the syntax and requirements a little better) os.loadAPI("eAPI") testArgs = {"reboot'} testButton = { xpos = 2; ypos = 2; ysize = 5; xsize = 20; buttonColor =; textColor =; text = "test"; func =; args = testArgs; exitAfter = false; } eAPI.buttonRun({testButton},nil) Thankfully it's not as complicated as it looks once you know what's required and how it's formatted. firstly the table that goes in buttonRun() can be named whatever you want as long as it contains all the buttons you want to display, ex: allButtons = {button1,button2,button3,etc} eAPI.buttonRun(allButtons) Easy enough to put the buttons in a table, now onto the actual requirements for each button. Each button requires the following: xpos = x position of the top left hand corner of the button ypos = y position of the top left hand corner of the button xsize = size of the button along the x axis ysize = size of the button along the y axis buttonColor = color of the button textColor = color of the text text = text on the button func = function you want the button to run without the () and arguments, ex if you wanted to run or if you don't want to run a function for some reason use nil args = arguments for your function in the form of a table (requirements are further in the post), use nil or {" "} if you don't have any arguments exitAfter = true if you want to stop the buttonRun function after pressing (useful for multiple 'menus') or false if you want to continue responding to button touches. Now for the last part. If you want to add any arguments to the function you're running with the button, this is where you'll add them. The arguments that you want to pass will be compacted into a table and then passed to the button. If you don't have any arguments for the button you want to use then feel free to skip this. Arguments should look like this button1_Args = {"arg1","arg2","arg3",etc} Provided you could follow that mess of an explanation you are now ready to slap buttons on everything! However I still strongly advice you to copy the button example provided earlier and to mess with that to get a feel for how the function works And that's all I got for now. Hopefully as time goes on I'll find more things to add to the api but for now its mostly done. If you have anything that you feel should be in the api ask me and I'll add it. Otherwise have fun with it and tell me if there are any bugs or if it explodes in your face or something. If you got projects of your own I'd be happy to help as long as ya ask.
Andrew2070 Posted October 16, 2015 Posted October 16, 2015 Nice! Here's something of mine I use with ICBM mod: Master Nuclear Launch Computer: --[Skynet Nuclear Defense Program by Andrew2060]-- --[To be used with]-- --[[Settings]]-- local modemSide = "top" local waitDelay = 2 --[[Init]]-- local silos = {} --[[Functions]]-- local function clear() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) end term.setBackgroundColor( clear() local function findSilos() rednet.broadcast("ping silo") local timerID = os.startTimer(waitDelay) while true do event, id, msg, distance = os.pullEvent() if event == "rednet_message" and msg == "pong" then table.insert(silos, id) timerID = os.startTimer(waitDelay) elseif event == "timer" and id == timerID then return end end end local function launch(count, x, y, z) local msg = {x = x, y = y, z = z} local count = math.max(count, #silos) print("launching " .. count .. " rocket(s) at " .. x .. ", " .. y .. ", " .. z) for i = 1, count do rednet.send(silos[i], msg) end sleep(3) end local function printSilos() clear() print("===============================") print(" [Detected silos] ") for k, v in ipairs(silos) do print(" silo #" .. k .. " id = "..v) end print("===============================") term.setBackgroundColor( print(" ") print(" ") term.setBackgroundColor( end --[[Main program]]-- findSilos() while true do printSilos() print("===============================") print(" [Launch Confirmation] ") print("===============================") textutils.slowPrint("Enter Confirmation Code:") input = read("*") term.setBackgroundColor( print(" ") print(" ") term.setBackgroundColor( if input == "exit" then break elseif input == "949-854-3444" then --Add preferred password within quotes local count, x, y, z while not (type(count) == "number" and type(x) == "number" and type(y) == "number" and type(z) == "number") do print("===============================") print(" [Target Selection] ") print("===============================") write("Warhead count: ") count = tonumber(read()) print("Coordinates:") write("X: ") x = tonumber(read()) write("Y: ") y = tonumber(read()) write("Z: ") z = tonumber(read()) end launch(count, x, y, z) os.reboot() end end Missile silo controlling computer: --Silo Launch PC, [working] [By Andrew2060] --[[Settings]]-- local modemSide = "top" local icbmSide = "back" local armed = true --set armed to false to disarm silo. --[[Init]]-- local icbm = peripheral.wrap(icbmSide) local masterID --[[Functions]]-- local function clear() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) end --[[Main program]]-- clear() while true do print("Waiting for message") id, msg, distance = rednet.receive(masterID) if (msg == "ping silo") then print(" master=", id) masterID = id; rednet.send(masterID, "pong") elseif type(msg) == "table" and id == masterID then if type(msg.x) == "number" and type(msg.y) == "number" and type(msg.z) == "number" then print(" lauch to x=" .. msg.x .. ", y=" .. msg.y .. ", z=" .. msg.z) icbm.setTarget(msg.x, msg.y, msg.z) if (armed) then icbm.launch() end else print(" invalid table command") end else print(" invalid msg '", msg, "' from '", id, "', distance=", distance) end end It's a wireless system that controls nukes :3
Slit Posted November 30, 2015 Author Posted November 30, 2015 API UPDATE TIME! Recently I've expanded my lua knowledge quite a bit and felt like my older scripts are a little klunky and overdone. With this new mindset I went ahead and revamped essentialsAPI to start as a base for most if not all of the programs that I use. Changelog: centerText [unchanged] newln [NEW] progressBar [recoded, syntax changed, uses the new paintBox function] paintBox [NEW, made because the tekkit version of cc doesnt have paintutils.drawFilledBox] allPerpherals [unchanged] tableContains [NEW] buttons [recoded, syntax changed, the new version of the buttonRun function] Anything else not listed has been removed Syntax: [required],<optional> centerText([yPosition],[Text],<Color>) newln(<# of new lines>) progressBar([yPosition],[Percent full (as a decimal)],[Text]) paintBox([x1Position],[y1Position],[x2Position],[y2Position],[Color],<Centered text>) allPeripherals([Peripheral type]) | Returns table of peripherals table_Contains([Table to search],[What you're searching for]) | Returns true if found, false if not button([Table containing all buttons]) ex: button({btn1,btn2,...}) Button table syntax: [button name]={ xpos; ypos; xsize; ysize; text; color; centerText; func; args={}; exit; } Confusing, yes so here's an example: btn1={ xpos=5; ypos=2; xsize=10; ysize=5; text="Say Hello!"; centerText=true; func=print; args={"HELLO!"}; exit=false; } button({btn1}) So far that's all other than additions and improvements to personal programs. PASTEBIN: RAW CODE: --essentialsAPI, From:Slitty ;3 (aka Slit) function centerText(line,text,color) --centerText(1,colors.white,"Hello World") local ox,oy = term.getCursorPos() local x,y = term.getSize() local mid = (x/2)-(string.len(text)/2) term.setCursorPos(mid,line) if not color then local color = colors.white end term.setTextColor(color) term.write(text) term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setCursorPos(ox,oy) end function newln(ln) if not ln then ln = 1 end local x,y = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorPos(1,y+ln) end function progressBar(ypos,percent,text) local x,y = term.getSize() local text = math.floor(percent*100).."% "..text local half = (x/2)-(string.len(text)/2) local percent = math.floor(percent*(x-6)) local colorInput local color paintutils.drawLine(6,ypos,x-6,ypos, paintutils.drawLine(6,ypos,percent,ypos,color) term.setBackgroundColor( term.setCursorPos(half,ypos+1) write(text) term.setCursorPos(1,ypos+2) end function paintBox(xpos,ypos,xsize,ysize,color,text,center) for i=1,ysize do paintutils.drawLine(tonumber(xpos),(tonumber(ypos)+i)-1,tonumber(xpos)+tonumber(xsize),(tonumber(ypos)+i)-1,color) end if not text then local text = " " end if center then term.setCursorPos((xpos+xsize/2)-(text:len()/2),ypos+ysize/2) write(text) elseif not center then term.setCursorPos(xpos,ypos) write(text) end term.setBackgroundColor( end function allPeripherals(ptype) local peripherals = {} for _,perip in pairs(peripheral.getNames()) do if peripheral.getType(perip) == ptype then table.insert(peripherals,perip) end end if peripherals ~= nil then return peripherals else return false end end function table_contains(table,contain) local found = false for _,val in pairs(table) do if val == contain then found = true end end return found end function button(buttons) for num,btn in pairs(buttons) do if btn["xsize"] < btn["text"]:len() then term.clear() error("Length of text ["..btn["text"]:len().."] is longer than the space available["..btn["xsize"].."]") end paintBox(btn["xpos"],btn["ypos"],btn["xsize"],btn["ysize"],btn["color"],btn["text"],btn["centerText"]) end local running = true while running do local _,_,x,y=os.pullEvent("mouse_click") for _,btn in pairs(buttons) do if (x >= btn["xpos"] and x <= btn["xpos"]+btn["xsize"]) and (y >= btn["ypos"] and y <= btn["ypos"]+btn["ysize"]) then if btn["exit"] then running = false btn["func"](unpack(btn["args"])) else btn["func"](unpack(btn["args"])) end end end end end
Slit Posted December 7, 2015 Author Posted December 7, 2015 Small update: A while ago I built a cc script that was supposed to monitor the shoutbox for the forums, it failed for some reason and as of recently I missed it. Over the last dayish of on and off coding I've managed to recode it to be more robust and hopefully not fail. Its fairly bare bones as of right now and just prints out the raw results for the shoutbox. I plan on working on the formatting in the near future. but for now it looks decent enough. If you want to use it just grab this script make another file named "startup" and put the following code in it."pastebin","run","9cxnPWFH") sleep(10) os.reboot() Connect a monitor to any side of the terminal or use some networking cable and wired modems.After that save the file and just grab my essentialsAPI with pastebin get f2Ysr4i0 eAPI and then you're good to reboot the pc and enjoy the forums on the comfort of your own computer connected monitor. Expect updates in the future, hopefully they look better than this does right now. Raw code: os.loadAPI("eAPI") local url = "" local mon = peripheral.wrap(eAPI.allPeripherals("monitor")[1]) term.redirect(mon) mon.setTextScale(0.5)"delete","shout.filter")"pastebin","get","sLtibuvn","shout.filter") if url then --http.checkURL(url)== local data = http.get(url).readAll() local"shout.raw","w") f:write(data) f:close() local lines={} for line in io.lines("shout.raw") do table.insert(lines,line) end term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) for i=1,#lines do if lines[i]:find('class="at_member"') then local temp=lines[i].." : "..lines[i+6].." : "..lines[i+8] for filter in io.lines("shout.filter") do temp=temp:gsub(filter,"") end print(temp) print("----------------------------") end end else error("Add "..url.." to your http whitelist") end
Slit Posted March 19, 2016 Author Posted March 19, 2016 Update time! Pastebin wasn't cutting it. Instead I got myself a domain and with a little php and html I now have my own alternative. However the downside is that initial installation is a bit of a pain. To make it as painless as possible there's only one file that you'll need to download manually. lua url="""ccget","w") f.write(http.get(url).readAll()) f.close() Copying that series of commands into the computer after it starts up for the first time will download the script you need to begin using the new host easily and efficiently. After completing those commands you should have a new file named 'ccget'. the syntax is as follows ccget <run/get> <type> <id> The list of scripts are all located here. Examples: ccget get API essentials.lua that would download the essentials api as 'essentials' ccget get Script scrollingText.lua That would download the scrolling text script as 'scrollingText'
ρομ4στερ Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 dynmap scripts show blank page. Fix plz. Put some player detector scripts in. p.s GJ slit, can u make it so we can upload there?
Slit Posted March 20, 2016 Author Posted March 20, 2016 Dynmap scripts are blank on purpose. Player detector scripts will be locked if they are uploaded. Also there will be no upload system put in place, I'm currently using it as a private host for my own scripts.
ρομ4στερ Posted March 20, 2016 Posted March 20, 2016 Dynmap scripts are blank on purpose WHY??????????????? Player detector scripts will be locked WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? if they are uploaded. Also there will be no upload system put in place, I'm currently using it as a private host for my own scripts. Ok
Slit Posted March 21, 2016 Author Posted March 21, 2016 Dynmap scripts are blank on purpose WHY??????????????? Player detector scripts will be locked WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? if they are uploaded. Also there will be no upload system put in place, I'm currently using it as a private host for my own scripts. Ok First I like to keep this version of the dynmap to myself. Second you know perfectly well that player tracking scripts are illegal. you're writing this and i can't even open paint Lol git gud sun
Slit Posted March 21, 2016 Author Posted March 21, 2016 It's a script I wrote for staff to keep track of bans while ban manager is broken.
XMedders Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 hey slti? HOw do you run a paint programme? I wont to color some colering pages, how do? please help i need to paint and unleash my art beast inside ples respond, also I am a thred necromancer >
Slit Posted June 8, 2016 Author Posted June 8, 2016 built right into it then you can use the image with paintutils later
XMedders Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 built right into it then you can use the image with paintutils later thenks men! i will paint you the best picture ever
Andrew2070 Posted June 13, 2016 Posted June 13, 2016 thenks men! i will paint you the best picture ever Thought you used the basic functions to produce art like the launch screen you made.
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