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  1. Happy Birthday! ????


  2. My kick to successful login ratio is 4:1 right now, from what I'm experiencing.
  3. IGN: Herobrine Rank: Premium+. Server: Pure Survival. Screenshots: 20th October 2018 | Old screenshot from 24th March 2018
  4. I was trying to log in to my account and for some reason, right after I pressed 'enter', the screen dimmed a bit and 'disconnect.spam' shows up. Happens with anything I type as the password. My username is Herobrine, in case it's required. Also, I found out that upon typing 'lol' or other short words as the password, it just shows 'wrong password', that's understandable, yes. But, my password is long; for security. So, when I typed my password or any other long words, again, 'disconnect.spam' shows up. All I need now is a fix. Thank you for taking the time to look into this problem.
  5. Thanks for... skipping through my password reset request. I understand that you're busy, but come on.

  6. @MarceLOL Got time? Can you join the server? Urgent. Thanks.

    1. MarceLOL


      not now :s sorry I've work to do

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