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  1. So the several hours later those items were delivered. I tested that further and learned that when I move to spawn for a moment (no chunkloaders in my base) and then return to my base the items that were not delivered within 20 minutes spontaneously got delivered. That makes me wonder if Craftersland has the background threads that handle the logistic pipes artificially throttled? There is a setting in config/LogisticsPipes.cfg, section: multithread where threading settings can be configured. multithread { # Number of routing table update Threads, 0 to disable. I:count=4 # Priority of the multiThread Threads. 10 is highest, 5 normal, 1 lowest I:priority=5 } This is the default setting. Now my guess is that either the priority or both have been lowered, which then effectively renders the mod unusable.
  2. The problem with lag is not the age of the map but players being careless with their creations. A wipe will not change that. Other than that I consider voting for wipes to be a dangerous thing. New players will always opt for a wipe because they have nothing to loose, while mid-game players will always opt against it, because they are just half-way there. I'd rather like to see a different approach: reset town chunks +3 radius if the owner has not logged in for over a month, and wipe other dimensions on a random schedule (but always at the same time of the day). The later would prevent players from setting up massively lagging setups in e.g. the mining world as we have it now. Yesterday we found a 12x12 quarry hole that was lagging like hell and that thing persisted there for weeks.
  3. I just gave those pipes a try, and while they still have some issues aligning they appear to work at first. However if you request any item it is routed to the destination and then simply deleted instead of being delivered. That makes the whole mod unusable and provides a serious challenge for players to get to the AE state of the game, as Logistic Pipes is generally used to handle the complex crafting until then.
  4. "Storage Disks > RefinedStorage - Buggy" Does this mean Refined Storage is effectively disabled?
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