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DrAgustin last won the day on October 4 2016

DrAgustin had the most liked content!


About DrAgustin

  • Birthday 02/16/1988

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DrAgustin's Achievements

Coal Miner

Coal Miner (7/26)



  1. Hello, I would like to transfer my sponsor rank to 8FREX8, would it be possible?
  2. hello, in case it is of any use the one who is stealing accounts is usually connected to my account about 12 pm Spanish time and is usually in hyposurvival and assasing
  3. hello, some staff that can help me thanks
  4. hello my name is DrAgustin the problem I have is that they are using my account without my permission on the hyposurvival server and here I would like them to delete or ban my account completely so that nobody can use it thanks
  5. Name: DrAgustinRank: Sponsor+ NetworkProblem: hi my problem is that when updating the server I do not have the range when possible I activate it. Thank you
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