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Posts posted by DragonLady

  1. We know there have been reports of griefing lately and we are looking into it.

    Please know all our staff are volunteers. If nobody applies to staff on a server, we don't get more staff for it, unless staff from our other servers feel like staffing multiple servers.(Staffing 2 or more servers can take up a lot of time, which is why quite a lot of staff are on 1 server only)
    As for higher ranking staff. Helper is a trial rank, judge gets perms to ban players and it's not something we just give to new staff members cause it can do more harm than good sometimes.

    We are doing our best to find out who has been causing problems on the server, but mod+ can only do so much to find out who did it, which also means more (higher ranking) staff might not fix the problem.



    31 minutes ago, Vampiremaster said:

    As far as I’ve seen there is no one that is very far in this pack

    Derp has completed the entire modpack already(like over a month or 2 ago actually).

    31 minutes ago, Vampiremaster said:

    and resetting the server entirely when people are half way done, with a month of solid gameplay, would probably put off a lot of people from returning after the wipe.

    The server is around 6 months old. Around the 6-8 months mark we check if a server is due for a wipe. There have been plenty of server wipes(basically all wipes since we get new players pretty often) after 6 or so months where people have only been playing for over a month.

    This isn't really an excuse not to wipe, cause then we would never be able to wipe since there will always be players that have only played for a month.

    Yes, this is a hardcore modpack, but our other hardcore modpacks have had a wipe after the 6-8 months mark aswell and that was plenty of time for people to complete the pack.

    And what we see from wipes in the past is that it actually helps the playerbase quite a bit.

    In the end it's not my decision if there's a full server wipe or only an overworld wipe. It's a combination between the manager and players, so we'll see what options we have when the manager decides when/if a wipe would be needed.

  3. In my opinion wiping the overworld and the voidworld is the best option. This way you don't punish players for moving to the overworld.

    When this modpack got created initially, there was no voidworld, so everyone would have to make a base in the overworld anyway. The voidworld got added almost at the end of the modpack getting released.

    You can compare this modpack to our other fully overworld based servers, only difference here is that you also have a voidworld.
    When resources get depleted and there are no more spots for people to settle, there's a full wipe.

    6 hours ago, Vampiremaster said:

    So no one else can progress in the pack past a point, and new players just can’t pkay period because you built your base in the ow? Doesn’t seem fair to me.

    How is wiping the overworld where people built there base fair? You punish the players that want to play the modpack as an overworld pack.

    If there is a wipe of both the overworld and voidworld, we should change to overworld to function like the nether/end on the other servers. Having no border (thus eliminating the problem where people die when they use their own overworld portal) and wiping it every month so the resources get replenished. A message where we notify people of the overworld getting wiped should be shown pretty often, so people don't build their base there by accident anyway.

    In the end this seems like the best option to me, but feel free to give us your opinion.

  4. This template is meant for cases where you would need assistance of a staff member to destroy an unbreakable block (Bedrock, warded block etc).
    In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your rollback request topic.

    For your topic name, use [Block Deletion]*YourName*

    Your Name:
    Island/Claim Owner Name: 
    Screenshots (Optional):

  5. The 1.9.1 update seems to have broken all the recipes where you have to throw items in mana.
    We have added alternate recipes so you can still progress in the pack :)

    Currently there are recipes for the mana orb, nacre, wisdom log, wisdom sapling and wisdom stick.
    We'll try to add custom quests for the mana battery, unicorn horn dagger and the halo soon.

    Current alternate recipes:

    Mana Orb


    Wisdom Log

    Wisdom Sapling

    Wisdom Stick

    All recipes, but the nacre, won't consume your mana just like the official recipes.

    I will edit this post once the quests for the 3 other mana recipes are added :D

  6. I have decided I won't punish joey.

    In private I asked him if he did indeed place down the decay. He said he did, but that he did break them.
    So I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

    I have asked someone who has more experience with tekkit, and they said that decay can take a long time to spread, so the decay that killed you might have been natural white decay.

    If you want the items that you lost back, you can make a refund request in technical support

  7. This seems to be an issue between griefprevention and the wizardry mod. I have tried making the orb at my own base, but I also can't seem to get the orb filled.
    If you respond either here, or send a msg on discord/server, I will give you the filled mana orb in exchange for an empty glass orb.

    I have notified the manager of this issue, so hopefully it is fixed soon.

  8. The modpack will get updated once Bruny has taken a look at the newest version. (Cause of bugs and problems that might occur)
    Might take a few days but the update will happen :D

    As for now, you'll have to use the previous released version (1.2.1) to be able to play on the server

  9. Hello there. /enchant and /workbench(/craft is not a command) was granted.

    Make sure to not use the /enchant items to kill players, since this is against rule 5.


    The other 3 commands however were not given, here's a why.

    /give: Giving a player just /give (ign) is not a thing. So you would be able to give items to anyone, and this is ofcourse something we don't want

    /effect: Same thing with /give really, you can't give player just /effect (ign), and we don't want players to be able to give others a certain effect.

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