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Everything posted by DragonLady

  1. I see you made a rank transfer. Do you want that to still happen? Cause then you won't get the rewards on this account name
  2. Please make a town rollback instead. We don't know what items you had and with the rollback you will get the items from your drives. Also, when the rollback does happen, it's better if you move to an Applied Energistics setup, since Refined Storage has quite a few problems.
  3. Like RandomNukes said, Infinity uses actual towns and not golden shovel claiming. At the spawn there's a screen that should tell you a bit more about how to claim on the server Moved to IE technical support
  4. I'll message Bruny about the problem and see if he can fix the issue
  5. Moved to DW20 1.7 Technical Support. Also, make sure to use this template, it makes it easier for staff
  6. We know there is no chunkloader, this was disabled by the modpack. Have you tried making the second chunkloader from Steve's Carts in singleplayer? If you can't craft it in singleplayer either, that one is also disabled by the modpack. If you can craft it in singleplayer, we will look at the issue.
  7. Hello there, you should be able to use /gm 1 now As for the crate party, like Henk said, it's a 1 time event. So that one won't be reactivated ?
  8. Granted, but it's a backpack for dolls, so it's useless. I wish I had a nice cup of coffee
  9. Let's add another older one to the topic
  10. Granted, but not a single shoe fits you. I wish I had amazing drawing skills.
  11. Granted, but Glados made sure there's poison in it :). I wish I had a powerful gaming pc that doesn't try to kill me.
  12. Granted, but one day you eat something you're allergic for and you die. I wish I could turn invisible whenever I want.
  13. until
    Join the stream and watch Henke play some games, today at 9pm CET(gmt+1) http://twitch.tv/henkekalmar
  14. until

    Love the Kittycam. I give the stream a perfect 5/7. -Dragon
  15. Enjoy!
  16. Haven't listened to The Killers in a while, so when I found their playlist I thought, why not share some songs with you guys?
  17. Again, an older song. I haven't listened to it in a while and then *boom*, I heard it in a movie. Enjoy
  18. They're not new songs, but I really like these two:
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