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Everything posted by SoullessSushi

  1. Granted, but my brain is gone, so we don't get to talk anymore, hope you're happy. (I can live with a few screams, not my brain though.) I wish that I knew how to make any food in the world-- and it always tasted good.
  2. Granted, but it's always burned toast with rotten butter. >:( I wish I could teleport people to me so some weren't so far away, without any alternations to them or myself.
  3. Granted, but one time you teleport into the middle of a bank robbery on accident and you get shot, and die. I wish I could remember everything that happened to me as a child.
  4. Granted, but it's only free because you stole it and you end up getting arrested and going to jail. i wish minecraft was a real dimension you could go in in the real world.
  5. Granted, but your forced to live in a tiny dome all by yourself underwater, and going outside the down will short circuit your body. I wish I could have a machine that gave me whatever food I wanted in almost an instant.
  6. We have watched a lot of horror movies already, we're pretty much at a stand still Here are some movies i wouldn't mind watching/watching again: ||28 weeks/days later ||World War Z ||I am Legend ||Arrival || Let the right one in || The Fourth Kind (Actually we should watch this next) || the shallows || Intruders || The Pact || The Devil Inside || 30 days of night || The Town That Dreaded Sundown || 13 sins || Unfriended || The Houses October Built || Life After Beth (lol) || Darkness Falls/ Tooth Fairy ||
  7. -Sushi eating sushi-


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Voodoo


      or do you bring that part?

    3. SoullessSushi


      dont take that tone with me young man

      I copyright my status

      and the fish is dead = therefor soulless

    4. Voodoo


      Pssshh, i'm older than you, so don't take that tone with me young lady. 

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