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Everything posted by Ness27

  1. Ness27


    Inventory Rollback Complete Reply if anything is missing or incorrect
  2. Inventory Rollback Unsuccessful. You must be offline, a Moderator or Admin will refund your items instead
  3. Inventory Rollback Complete Reply if anything is missing or incorrect
  4. Claim Rollback Complete
  5. This has been attempted on the current wipe and it does not seem to be a solution anymore. Of course, I'll go ahead and regenerate the config for the sake of it. Let me know if the issue is fixed
  6. Which server is this for? There can be many reasons for this message, the database could've been wiped, you may be attempting to login offline, or your password may have been reset.
  7. Hi, I don’t think I can be much of assistance without knowing the error message. Is this a login issue or is this a download issue?
  8. Claim Rollback Complete Reply if anything is incorrect
  9. Which server is this for?
  10. I was able to use the chunk loaders, and as we talked in game, the machines look to be working. However, in order to work inside a claim they must be added to the griefprevention block-place and block-break flags.
  11. Hi, yes unfortunately the monk mod has been bugged for quite some time and it is not possible to legitly obtain level 19.
  12. Inventory Rollback Complete Reply if anything is missing or incorrect
  13. Inventory Rollback Complete Reply if anything is missing
  14. Inventory Rollback Complete Reply if anything is incorrect or missing
  15. Permissions: Requirements: Hello future applicants, I'm glad to hear that you are interested in joining the CraftersLand Staff team. We continue to look for improvements within our community to make it enjoyable and I assume this is one reason you are looking to apply! The Staff team is always interested and looking for players that are helpful and knowledgeable. As the community grows to more servers, it is difficult to track and maintain applications over-time, therefore, we have chosen to use a Google Form to allow us to capture application responses in a more achievable logistical manner. CraftersLand Modded Helper Applications will be open for all modded-minecraft servers, the applications will be reviewed monthly. Accepted applicants will be notified through discord on the main official discord (https://discord.gg/RexFCWu) during the first week of the month. To complete this application please submit this form!
  16. Block Removed
  17. Hi, I checked these coordinates in the server and nothing is there. Is this for DW20 1.12?
  18. Chunkloader balance has been reset. You'll have to re-place any chunkloaders that were placed
  19. Ness27


    Ok, I have increased the login timeout. See if it is any better
  20. VIP rank set on forums. Workbench permission added. The other requested permissions are not given out in AC.
  21. Inventory Rollback Complete Reply if anything is incorrect or missing
  22. I teleported to the base, it looks like it is your own claim. Why did you clear out your entire base with the draconic pickaxe? I saw it, looked completely destroyed.
  23. Unban accepted. For future reference, avoid any griefing with Mob Events and don't attempt to give the blame to others. I believe the staff have talked to you, so there shouldn't be anything else to add.
  24. World Edit access added Note: avoid doing large scale operations to prevent lag
  25. Looks like the difficulty hasn't changed difficulty=3
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