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Everything posted by Ness27

  1. I have reset your chunk loader balance. You have all 4 slots now
  2. Claim Rollback Complete
  3. Unfortunately, unclaimed land is technically free for the taking. In which case we won't perform a rollback.
  4. Chunk Loader balance reset
  5. I cannot "find" your other chunk loader. However, I can reset your balance which would remove all chunk loaders and give you the allotted 4 slots back
  6. Permission added to default group (Includes all players) ?
  7. Looks like the package went through for hiimtetra Next time you join, it should be activated
  8. Seems I cannot find the user: [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Exception from /seen Could not find user with the name "Demon_RaiderYT".
  9. Inventory Rollback Complete Respond if anything is missing or incorrect
  10. Permissions added
  11. World Edit and permissions access granted Note: Don't abuse permission of world edit, and avoid large-scale operations to prevent lag.
  12. World Edit access granted Note: Don't abuse permission of world edit, and avoid large-scale operations to prevent lag.
  13. Did you want this package reactivated for DW1.12 or DW1.7? The package comes up that you purchased it for DW1.7
  14. Inventory Rollback Complete Reply if anything is incorrect or missing
  15. Permission added
  16. Please provide evidence of abuse or violation of rules. Also, we do not allow claims in the end. Any claims in that dimension will be automatically removed by staff.
  17. Items added to spawn shop. If prices are too low/too high, respond to this post with a suggestion ?
  18. Blocks removed. Join now
  19. Block Removed, try joining now
  20. If you still wish for all research, let me know on discord when you are available and I can set it. However, this will mean thaumcraft will be creatively-influenced for you.
  21. Permissions added Note: Do not abuse world edit access and refrain from large-scale operations to prevent lag.
  22. Chunkloader balance reset
  23. Chunkloader balance reset
  24. I tested this, and it does seem to leave you in the void. Maybe the best route to go is to use /spawn and-or /home Until the issue can be looked into further
  25. Inventory Rollback Complete If any items are missing or anything is incorrect then reply below.
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