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Everything posted by MachoPiggies

  1. In-Game Name: MachoPiggies Package Name: Sponsor+ (+ Premium, Premium+, Sponsor) Server: Tekkit Proof of Ownership (Optional): I have the rank ingame I have the rank, not the money. I've had Sponsor+, Sponsor, Premium+ and Premium in the past which equals out to $84,000. All but Sponsor+ were bought through the paypal guest feature, meaning that there is no proper transaction ID for them, there is a receipt ID though which you may have on your systems, but if I post this here, it will allow anyone to backwards-search my payment details and private information, so if you need any of that, please DM me on Discord @ MachoPiggies#3484 Direct copy of
  2. In game name: MachoPiggies Proof of Purchase: 00U958582C909584T Description of Issue: Simply never came through Date/Time of Purchase: 24th December 2021 9:30 Items/Rank Bought: +6 chunk loaders Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information:
  3. In-Game Name: MachoPiggies Package Name: Sponsor+ (+ Premium, Premium+, Sponsor) Server: Tekkit Proof of Ownership (Optional): I have the rank ingame I have the rank, not the money. I've had Sponsor+, Sponsor, Premium+ and Premium in the past which equals out to $84,000. All but Sponsor+ were bought through the paypal guest feature, meaning that there is no proper transaction ID for them, there is a receipt ID though which you may have on your systems, but if I post this here, it will allow anyone to backwards-search my payment details and private information, so if you need any of that, please DM me on Discord @ MachoPiggies#3484
  4. what no stop ;-;
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