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D34DPlayer last won the day on October 26 2021

D34DPlayer had the most liked content!

About D34DPlayer

  • Birthday 08/24/2000

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    You <3

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  1. Community Rules: These rules apply to every server. Server specific rules are further down. 1. No Hacked Clients: 2. No Abusing Bugs / Exploits: 3. No Advertising: 4. No Inappropriate Conduct: 5. No Harassment: 6. No intentional harm to Server Integrity: 7. No Impersonating Staff: 8. No Griefing any Protected Areas: 9. No Console Clients: 10. No Punishment Evading: 11. Don't sell items for in real life money: 12. No Tracking Staff: 13. No Databasing Players: 0. Use Common Sense: Oceanblock Rules: These rules are Oceanblock specific. Other servers might share some of these rules, so make sure to always read up on the server specific rules. 1. Creative Items: 2. PvP:
  2. I brought back a save from June, tell me if the island is back.
  3. Is this rollback still needed? If so leave a message here and empty your inventory every time you logout, so that you don't lose anything with the rollback.
  4. Is this rollback still needed? If so leave a message here and empty your inventory every time you logout, so that you don't lose anything with the rollback.
  5. Hello, Sorry but there's no easy way of doing this without sharing the whole world. You could maybe try the client-side mode Schematica to get a copy of your island and paste it in a singleplayer world.
  6. You should have your premium rank back, can you make a list of the things you lost so they can be refund manually?
  7. Quests should now be completed.
  8. Player data removed.
  9. The keys should be in your inventory
  10. Inventory rolled back, tell me if anything is missing.
  11. We haven't been able to find the cause of this issue yet, so I did the same thing again, so you should be getting your items back. Once you have them place them in a chest in your claim and wait for the account to "switch" again. If we are lucky it won't switch, but if does I'll simply transfer everything to the other account and you shouldn't have any more issues.
  12. We haven't been able to find the cause of this issue yet, so I did the same thing again, so you should be getting your items back. Once you have them place them in a chest in your claim and wait for the account to "switch" again. If we are lucky it won't switch, but if does I'll simply transfer everything to the other account and you shouldn't have any more issues.
  13. We haven't been able to find the cause of this issue yet, so I did the same thing again, so you should be getting your items back. Once you have them place them in a chest in your claim and wait for the account to "switch" again. If we are lucky it won't switch, but if does I'll simply transfer everything to the other account and you shouldn't have any more issues.
  14. We haven't been able to find the cause of this issue yet, so I did the same thing again, so you should be getting your items back. Once you have them place them in a chest in your claim and wait for the account to "switch" again. If we are lucky it won't switch, but if does I'll simply transfer everything to the other account and you shouldn't have any more issues.
  15. We haven't been able to find the cause of this issues yet, so I did the same thing again, so you should be getting your items back. Once you have them place them in a chest in your claim and wait for the account to "switch" again. If we are lucky it won't switch, but if does I'll simply transfer everything to the other account and you shouldn't have any more issues.
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