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OutlawUSA76 last won the day on July 8 2023

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About OutlawUSA76

  • Birthday 09/25/1976

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  1. good question it shouldnt but it also could be something unintended what dire wolf is it under?
  2. kool people been asking for this and when
  3. i really didnt like this seed
  4. yup everyone
  5. on what sever is this for?
  6. they dont spawn naturally i beleave you have to make them
  7. ya its been disabled
  8. well I don't know who banned ya but all I can say is try going to top of discord under (General) then (information) the at bottom of page there is (CraftersLand Bot Commands) and look for (unban) fallow that there and go from there dont know if that will work or not but you can try
  9. what was the bann for
  10. ya you need to set a home there a bad glitch like on that when you use a rocket youll lose the rocket been like that since i started playing continuum 4-5 years ago
  11. need some proof just in case ask and that i beleave is management area there
  12. ya those are correct there been disabled Station Gravity Controller, Orientation Controller, and the Altitude Controller
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