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About Zdegade

  • Birthday 03/19/2002

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  • Location:
    Trøndelag County, Norway

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  1. Idea for improvement: Make it work for the main ME system aswell. Most people would most likely just hook it up to the main unit and expect it to work.
  2. I and several other players on the direwolf 1.7 server were discussing getting a new command implemented. The command being a /show or /show hand command. this command would allow a player to show an item in the chat with only the name of the item being displayed in chat. If another player wanted to look at the item, he/she would hover over the message and the name, enchants and other info that may be would be displayed. For this command to not cause spam, it would need a cd. In my opinion, the same as the /feed and /heal if not longer. Staff could also give out warnings if people were to spam this, but I understand that this would put unnecessary stress on the staff as well. I talked to a couple of staff members from different servers and most if not all liked the idea and would want the command implemented as well. Hope you'll consider this suggestion for not only direwolf1.7, but all the craftersland servers.
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