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qtChan last won the day on January 29 2020

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About qtChan

  • Birthday 02/28/2002

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    RLCraft, Guitar, Singing, Video Games, Books, etc

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  1. qtChan


    This looks promising,,, Although a better screen shot would have given this build more justice?
  2. A Proper Implementation of GMC End the nuisance of /gmc Proposed by qtChan CraftersLand has been running since March 2011. As you know, donations are needed to keep the server up and running. Besides that the server invest in new things like fixes and custom plugins.This is all done by developers which cost a lot of money. In short, without donations the server will not last long. One of the perks of being a Donator (Premium+ and above) is having the access to gamemode creative which is "subjected" to server rule #4 (No sale/gifting of creatively influenced items to members outside of your town). WHAT IS THE PROBLEM/ISSUE? First of all, the main issue of this is the fact that selling gamemode creative is against the TOS of Mojang (Creators of Minecraft) and could get the server suspended/blacklisted for doing this. The second one is the fact that this is still abusable due to the fact that when a player in creative placed a block and someone break it, the tag of the item/block will be remove and thus gives free items to other players or him/herself. Although this is certainly not allowed on the server, the staff had no way of knowing/tracking this if the both party agreed not to discuss this with anyone. The third problem is the fact that the survival and creative inventory is the same which makes it troublesome for donors to use this feature because at a small mistake they can turn their legit survival items into a useless inventory decoration. WHAT IS THIS PROPOSITION? This is created to try and solve the mentioned issues above. Separated Inventories This one is probably the most simple and easiest to implement. Basically, donators should have two separated inventories, one is for survival and the other is for creative. This will make it impossible for them to cheat items from creative and thus will fix the issue they are having with their items being tagged. Disabled Storage Access This one is a little bit trickier considering that RLCraft added more storage (Things that store items like the reforging station). When this is implemented properly it will compliment the "separated inventories suggestion" because this will also prevent donators from cheating items. Disabled Creative Drops This one is also a little bit tricky because of the amount of blocks RLCraft added although I doubt that this needs a lot of work. This will disable the drops from blocks that was placed through creative. This will both eliminate the glitch/bug that disable the tags on items and this will compliment both "separated inventories" and "disabled storage access" because this will also prevent donators from cheating items. Creative at Claims only This one is the trickiest to code in this whole proposition because this will require integration with GriefPrevention. There are two possible ways to implement this. (1) The first one is basically make players at gamemode creative to be unable to leave or tp away from their claims. (2) The second one is by disabling all interactions of players in creative when they are not in their claim. For example, Player A is in creative, When player A placed any blocks in an unclaimed area their will be a message prompt that tells him/her that he can't do that. Got Any Insights? Ideas? Complains?Post them down below and lets discuss them!
  3. I would agree to this suggestion... It is somewhat related to my vote sleep suggestion xd
  4. Awe! Time to vote!
  5. This is a really good idea that a lot of cracked servers are already implementing. I think it is just reasonable for it to be implemented here as well.
  6. Honestly, I think the server management/administration should focus on improving the performance of their servers like RLCRAFT, which experience 1 TPS and less than a minute restarts when there are a lot of people.
  7. Wow, I din't know this is an actual thing :3 I'll use it from now on!
  8. For those who love long series you guys should watch this: Fantasy/Adventure The Lord of The Rings Series (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return Of The King) The Hobbit (An Unexpected Journey, The Desolation of Smaug, The Battle of Five Armies) Harry Potter Series (Too many to mention) Sci Fi Star Wars Series (Too many Again) This movies might take you a whole week to finish so good luck!
  9. Are you even talking mate? Quick tip: lower you game volume so that we can hear you. Anyways why is nether full of withers lol
  10. Thank You! I din't know you are a mod :3
  11. Name: Private IGN: qtChan Age: 17 Crafter's Land Servers you play: RLCraft Location: Philippines A short description of yourself: Hi, I really like playing RLCraft. When I first joined the server, I was mind blown by the QOL stuff the server had to offer, (Crates, tpa, a spawn etc). Due to this I bought a rank on my first day (Cheers!) Not only that, I also proudly played on the server for 2 days straight, without any sleep. This just show my love for RLCraft so if ever that you found me on the server, just hook me up! I might even give you free loots! Currently, I have some few achievements for myself, this being "Owning the largest clan that is rank 8 at leader boards", "being the top 34 at /baltop", "Help a lot of random newbies by giving them starting items and assisting them with concerns", "Be petrified by a GM", "Take a picture with a GM". Anyways, I am currently a Grade 12 student so I got of stuff going on in real life so I might be unable to play for some time but I will always use my free time to play anyways. Some of you guys might recognize me when you searched my name on google. And no I am not the bot, no thank you, but I am that small youtuber and Administrator at BSMC (Cheers) please don't ban me for this, I just wanna have fun Hobbies and interests: I like playing video games, chess, programming, writing novels, playing the guitar, singing and other stuffs. Discord / Skype Name: qtChan#3447 Want To Know Me More? Comment Down Bellow And I'll Try to Answer Your Questions!
  12. qtChan

    Sleep Vote

    Sleep Vote Give the players what they want! Proposed by qtChan The nights in minecraft is a really scary event specially for new players as it spawn mobs that could caught an unsuspecting player. This is much more terrible and scary at RLCraft as a lot of scary and strong monsters spawn at night! There are several ways that a new player could deal with this scenario. The first one is basically just getting armed and ready at day by harvesting resources efficiently. The second one is by simple hiding in your cave or house so that this mobs can't reach you. And lastly, and probably the most easy way to deal with this is by sleeping. Unfortunately, as this is a server, it requires everybody to go to their beds and sleep in able to skip the night. This, however, is hard to do due to the fact that other players may not have there beds on them or they are simply just too far from their beds to sleep. This proposal aims to fix this issue. WHAT IS THIS SLEEP VOTE? This is a plugin that allows players to get in their beds and start a sleep vote in which if a certain amount of players get in their beds then the night will be skipped! WHY SHOULD WE ACCEPT THIS SUGGESTION? This suggestion is designed to both benefit the older players and the new players. It helps new players as they don't have to deal with the harshness of the nights of RL Craft specially when there is an event. This will also help current players as it will allow them to regenerate their HPs back. This will also allow certain sleep mechanics to take place. (EG. Broken Hearth) WHAT ARE THE CONS? The main con of this is the fact that it may and will cause lag since it will add a new plugin. Although this plugin shouldn't put a lot of stress since it is just a simple plugin. Got Any Insights? Ideas? Complains? Post them down below and lets discuss them!
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