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Everything posted by Thatcrazyflykindaguy

  1. actually if the server wipes ur character would be deleted so if it didn't work after that. If you hadn't already restarted ur router that would be the best course of action as at that point deleting ur character would do nothing if we've already wiped.
  2. Its the same thing with almost every sandbox game. Wipe is coming up for x server in y game. The people who just started get outraged the more stuff they have obtained and don't want to lose there progress. The thing is u will always in the end lose the progress you put into any game. Also there will always be an influx of new players to rlcraft. Pointing out how many joined a day ago means very little when u think about the fact we probably get anywhere from 1-20+ new players every day and many of them die so many times so quick that they may decide to quit before they learn to survive. I probably put 1-2k hours into tera online and other mmorpgs(i loved my castanics). Tera online was completly shut down on the official side middle of the year 2022. So i lost all the progress and all the stuff i'd either payed for or grinded for and all those hours. I'm not getting a refund for all that so whether its a mmorpg or a sandbox losing something is eventually going to happen. Think of the mmos i played and put alot of time into rift will be the next one i hear about whose servers will more than likely shutdown in the next few years. But, somehow runescape has lasted a long time! XD We've noticed some issues are getting worse by the day/week/month. More people are having internal server errors and unless they just arn't following our advice cause there 'research' says otherwise it will probably get worse. To top it off when we had to do the hardware upgrade awhile back seems it messed some things up on the server. I know cause i was doing a dungeon in raid world that it bugged out all the spawners that had loaded in and wouldn't spawn mobs from them, spawners that weren't loaded in were unaffected. Some players are reporting a mob shortage but i think thats just our usual low spawnrates. Theres the possibility i'm wrong. Even our fishing seems to have bugged out and i don't feel like trying to get anyone to fix these issues that most might actually clear up from a wipe in the first place. I'll use imho even tho i feel its more fact. The wipe is gonna be more beneficial in the long run at this point than any of the downsides people have pointed to.
  3. This isn't a server issue. Rollback denied. T/C
  4. Also wipe info is wrong you updated to 2.9.1c in march it hasn't wiped since xmas week 2021!!!!
  5. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes XD
  6. Items refunded sorry about the issues they should be fixed now. T/C
  7. Items refunded sorry about the issues they should be fixed now. T/C
  8. Sorry man but not only have you still failed to make it to the template up to and including your title. They should have told you beforehand that this isn't a server issue so you wouldn't be eligible for a rollback. You falling asleep and dieing isn't a server issue. Rollback denied. T/C
  9. This has already been denied as sticky was disabled on the rlcraft server back in spring. Also reactive lag clear was also disabled 2-3 months or so ago. You guys can close this whenever you want as the player has no evidence to back this up. Thats the post they did in rlcraft.
  10. This is assumed to have been resolved. If it isn't you will need to request a character deletion if u already tried the unstuck feature and making sure you have 10gb or less of ram allocated. T/C
  11. Player has not responded in some time. This is assumed to have been fixed. T/C
  12. Player has not responded. This is assumed to no longer be an issue. T/C
  13. Bugged item was removed from players inventory rollback no longer required. T/C
  14. Sorry news only came out in the last few days that our community manager somehow broke the ability for admins and above to do rollbacks. Unfortunatly if i remember correctly you said you had no video evidence so not only is a rollback not possible but a refund is also out of the questions due to lack of sufficient evidence. Sorry about that. T/C
  15. Glad it worked let us know if you run into any other issues! Good Luck and Have Fun!!!
  16. I have discussed this with other members that normally would handle rollbacks and the verdict is that this is not a server issue. Rollback denied.
  17. You can try the link that sreny gave you as sometimes that does fix the issue. Otherwise we need to know what the error message you are getting is otherwise noone can help you or even attempt to fix anything as it could be anything and a huge portion of that anything will end up being stuff that we would have to direct you to do on your end.
  18. It may already be gone. Unfortunatly there are several admin claims. Spawn, and the locations u are taken to by /warp raid and /warp end. If you remember where it was could u doublecheck please if its not there could you tell me what was inside so we can begin the refund process.
  19. I see the way it was phrased made it sound like you lost flight altogethor. At least to me. The dragon effect draining your mp even with /fly. Sadly there is nothing we can do about this.
  20. There is a little blue button when u bring inventory up. If you use a dragon gem but have wings to false you have also turned flying to false. Wings must be on for flight to work.
  21. Items refunded. Including the 120 dragon meals u had mentioned in the rt ticket. In the future just use one or the other and then give it time. Please and thank you! T/C
  22. What color was the dragon?
  23. Unfortunatly this isn't a server or modpack issue. You should never hold items outside of your inventory whenever someone else can teleport you around. This is a player issue. Refund Denied. T/C
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