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legacy9032184302934 last won the day on May 20 2023

legacy9032184302934 had the most liked content!


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    The Netherlands

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  1. Server wiped 27-04-2023 so this is no longer relevant.
  2. Server wiped 27-04-2023 so this is no longer relevant.
  3. Sorry just seen this, server has wiped 27-04-2023 though and therefore this is no longer relevant. T/C
  4. Your Name: Nieeek Item Name + Amount: 1 Creative Wireless Terminal (won from vote crate) Coordinates: x3257, y57, z1179): Description of Issue: tried to remove drop of evil from ME causing clear banned item plugin to eat my terminal Screenshots (Optional):https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1089191461339287592/1099031901332844635/wirelessterm.mp4
  5. Going to be so hard to beat our 2 hour time
  6. items are in your inventory refunded
  7. Hey, to let you know we've put the items in your inventory. Refunded 19-2-2023 15:53
  8. Was the same Notch/weedkiller guy. Refunded
  9. Refunded 30-1-23 23:03
  10. Refunded, item in inventory. After you use the rocket pick it up, entities get cleared (rocket = entity). T/C
  11. Item placed in inventory. T/C
  12. Refunded, T/C
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