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About ArvidGhost

  • Birthday 06/01/2002

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    Idk what that
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    Too stupid to have one
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    Anime, Minecraft, YouTube (lmao).

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  1. Got resolved in discord
  2. Hello. I believe I've stumbled upon a Experience bug with "Mahou Tsukai". (The bug happened once with the magic circles and didn't happen again idk why) To recreate this I made a 10x10 box where I had a Magma slime spawner in the middle (Maxed), placed 8 magic circles with the ritual "Boundary of drain life". I was farming Mahou for a morgan, I needed to craft some powdered iron for the last circle and I left for like 30seconds, I came back and got +9k levels somehow. Before the restart of 2:25Pm (GMT+2) as of writing this post I had 1.3k levels of experience, I somehow got ~1000 levels from a enderdragon kill when Cameronap asked me if I wanted a dragon egg and I teleported to him. I was there when Cameronap discovered a bug which killed players in a claimed area with the mod. I didn't know which spells did that, so I didn't ask and wanted to do some Mahou crafting for a morgan, but didn't know there was another spell that possibly caused a bug. I'll post a screenshot of this report in the #technical_support section for ATM6, because I can't attach a screenshot here. I hope I don't get banned for this bug, but try to ban it.
  3. You can reset your island and I think the blue pill or yellow pill resets your android stuff. If you don't wanna use your money you can pay someone the money or spend it on the /market. I doubt the staff will reset your character for that reason (only servers) if you can just throw everything away.
  4. I don't think there is a thread where it tells you limits of certain things and the staff are probably busy with either life or the server. I suggest that you keep below 40 hopping/bonsai pots
  5. You can kill other people in all of the dimensions except the Overworld (where spawn/your island are).
  6. Before I talk about the reasons why keeping ProjectE removed from the server is a good thing. I suggest for you to calm down and try to re-phrase your thoughts on why ProjectE should be allowed in this server. I almost had a brain spasm trying to re-read your post and you being angry. Well now that I've told you that could help you in future posts, I will now tell you "My thoughts" on why keeping ProjectE restricted is actually a good thing. 1. Allowing players to use blocks like Energy Condenser, Transmutation Table/Tablet, Energy Collector, Anti-Matter relay can make the grinding part of the ModPack useless (if the EMC values aren't changed in the config) and obtaining valuable items completely worthless in obtaining. 2. There could be more bugs/glitches/dupes in this specific mod (which I won't name or are still unknown). 3. (FYI I'm not savvy in TPS stuff and stuff like that) But if most of the player base used Energy collectors, Anti-Matter relays or Energy Condensers they could cause a big TPS drop, even possibly a constant server crash. There are probably more things that can prove enabling/disabling ProjectE can have Pros and Cons.
  7. Your Name: ArvidGhost Coordinates: 21220 98 2815 Time/Date + Timezone (Post a time/date when everything was fine): before 7:36PM (19:36) GMT+2, Sunday December 13th, 2020 Description of Issue: I don't think that getting killed by a mob masher in a different player's cave and the grave stone not being spawned is normal. We searched around the area and didn't find any gravestone belonging to my name. The closest thing that I have is a screenshot of my player soul (If that helps) + I have a log file that contains my death. The Lost items: Dark matter armor, Red matter sword, party pickaxe, diamond hammer(Thermal Foundation), compressed diamond hammer, 2 repair talismans, Nether star builder's wand (16k) 2020-12-13-3.log.gz
  8. I hope you succeed with the server data transfer and have a great day man!
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