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TheRealScott's Achievements

  1. In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about) Nonobob2 & DeltaX03 Time and date: 1/5/2025 8:17 Pacific TIme Description of what happened: (In chronological order) I logged in and DeltaX03 was sitting at spawn and attacked me and then nonobob2 showed up and killed me Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) https://imgur.com/a/Sq0RkfA List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below) If your complaint has been found void, do not make another one! Thanks for your help keeping our servers clean.
  2. Thanks! Also, I noticed /repair doesn't work on DW18.2. is this expected?
  3. That is exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks for the response veber.
  4. I was only asking if anyone actually sees this. I see much quicker response times in other help forums so maybe no one comes in to this one. Perhaps there isn't even someone assigned to this one. How would I know. I asked because I'll ask somewhere else if no one is coming in here.
  5. Does anyone see these?
  6. Your Name: TheRealScott Item Name + ID + Ammount: 4K ME Item Storage Cell, ae2:item_storage_cell_4k, x4 Coordinates: 742,71,5012 Description of Issue: I was building my ME storage when the server restarted. When I logged back in, my storage cells were no longer in my inventory or my ME drive. Screenshots (Optional):
  7. Your Name: TheRealScott Town Name: Whitburn Coordinates of Town: x: -3509, z: 3969, y: 79 Town members: Punkbrown Reason for request: I am not able to fully claim a nearby spawned town and Punkbrown has not developed the chunk beyond a chest and crafting table. Punkbrown has not been on in 3 months and 13 days. Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended):
  8. Thanks again! I noticed my /homes are messed up again though
  9. Confirmed! Thanks!
  10. Sweet thanks! Small problem. I paid for max /home and this cool new rank has dropped me back to 6 LOL. The problem with this is that I currently have 9 and so can not use any of them unless I delete 3 <sad panda>
  11. TheRealScott


    OK. Now I'm literally the only one visible on the server and I'm still getting rubber banding.
  12. TheRealScott


    Good evening folks. I've noticed there is considerably more lag here than on the other servers I've tried at Craftersland. I think this is my 5th server and it's seriously tough to keep going. I really want to though, this pack seems pretty cool. I get that there are a lot of factors that add to the lag but I'm seeing it when there are only 3 or 4 people on so I'm pretty confused. I have noticed that drops don't seem to vanish, could that be a factor? I've noticed on a lot of servers there is a timer and everything loose on the ground gets wiped. COuld that help our lag here?
  13. It looks like dropped items don't get wiped, would that be a big cause of lag?
  14. Did this wipe happen? did it have an affect on lag? I've played on a few Craftersland servers and this is by far the worst. Is it just me or is something else going on here?
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