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  1. Items Refunded. T/C
  2. Item Refunded. However, dragon hatching can be buggy and may disappear visually when it is not (visual bug). This will be the only time the dragon egg will be refunded. T/C
  3. Items Refunded T/C
  4. I need this wipe more than I need school
  5. Yea the massive amount of projectiles that they fire can lead to lag and pcs crashing but obviously that would be a clientside thing with RAM and stuff.
  6. I mean this exists. (I hope this link works) Mass Cinders
  7. Your Name: Insomniac_1950 Coordinates: Spawn, the spawns of the 2 island I deleted, and the spawn of the current island I have. Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Any time a few minutes before 5:10 PM 8/4/2022 EST Description of Issue: I was deleting 2 islands that were completely empty and I did it without dying (at least as far as I know). When I deleted the 2nd island I went to my main island and all my items were wiped. Idk what caused it. Screenshots (Optional):
  8. If there is a tourney, atomic deconstructor and any other 1 shot things shouldn't be allowed.
  9. I am going to guess that the real item is "Flamed Dragonbone Battleaxe" but Lich can confirm.
  10. You died to amalgalich which you fought. Also, even on a singleplayer world curse of possession lags and doesn't work sometimes.
  11. Yea, the main world has a border which your lost city spawn is based off and a player without fairy ring/dew, dragon ring/gem, or flight potions would struggle to find any loot to progress. The only thing that keeps rings in rotation is the mythic crate which is still a gamble for new players.
  12. Once the next rlcraft wipe occurs, I think the lost cities being reset every month or so would highly benefit the server. Currently the situation is where the entire dimension is looted and no new players can get access to dragon rings from normal gameplay. The only way is to get lucky in a mythical crate. This would also prevent massive lost cities farms to be created which can remove some of the mods' hassle of locating and removing laggy farms.
  13. 99% sure it was kas with their door. Also Gooey they were killing in spawn. I think dying is a better punishment than being banned but that's just my opinion.
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