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Everything posted by ToySardin

  1. Yes always. Server is so dead with out wipe
  2. our Name: ToySardin Coordinates: Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): few months ago maybe january Description of Issue: Lost all from inventory and enderchest I place few screenshots from items i lost: (best ones maxenxhanted living great bow and scythe, maxed silver armour, maxed golem helm rest un enchanted, Full project x407 set, and red/ secret weird armour set, shulker full of xp tomes and shulker where 1 row of emerald blocks and rest normal books, baubles)
  3. But it will say you dont have required acces to use this command. It works if you do /rtp
  4. Sad. every year wipe would be nice now there is no motivation to play this year...
  5. Your Name: ToySardin Item Name + Amount: Worm treat 64 imp treat 64 reptile treat 64 aquatic treat 64 Insect treat 16 Gordon head 6 Fire dragon blood 34 grape wine guality 1.0 80 there was 3 crates where was 30 enchantment books i dont remember spesific but 50k in game money is fine. Battle burrito 32 Peaks kebab 32 + some what i dont remember mostly buff foods Coordinates: 8417, 203, -8911 / 8353, 63, -8874 and in enderchest Description of Issue: keep stuff in crates so dont use so much space but now all gone... Screenshots (Optional): here is vid clip https://streamable.com/mfl0h3 2rlc 4rlc 3rlc
  6. DEfinedly, Yes wipe pls. how long there is time to vote
  7. just go grind you get those stuff in 4-6 days easy
  8. But i have premium rank i can fly normal without wing... and when you have wings you can only fly untill mana runs out not freely
  9. Hello i do have Premium rank on server and then i used dragon gem... and lost flying ability what comes from that rank so that means i cannot use dragon gem same time? so i did make restore serum to delete dragon gem effect to use fly again... yes i did but wings on false but it didnt help so did i grind for nothing i just wanted those wings for good looking... :C
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