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Vanilla Admin
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  1. Like
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from McDonaldsSalad in Half-Retirement - MiniTermi77   
    Buenas noches, amigos y compañeros.
    Debido al aumento de proyectos que me están surgiendo en mi vida profesional, me temo que no puedo hacerme cargo del proyecto de remodelación de AssasinsCraft.
    Quien sabe... quiza un dia pueda llegar a ser un compositor cuya musica resuene en la cabeza e inspire a muchas personas ^^. Me quita bastante tiempo, asi es. Mas los estudios, que no es cosa menor, tengo que decir un poquito adios a esto. No os preocupeis en parte, pq seguiré siendo Administrador ocupandome de tareas menores y problemas que os pueda surgir a nivel de usuarios. ¡Mi rango de Admin no lo renuncio ni de broma!
    Hasta la fecha hemos realizado cositas importantes como la mudanza de Imperium, y la anexión de las ciudades RiverVille-Imperium-Carnia. Junto a esto hemos empezado a hacer remodelacion de los alrededores del mapa, haciendo que el mapa sea un poquito mundo abierto (dentro de lo cerrado que es). En el apartado de bugs se arreglaron bastantes, al menos lo suficiente para que uno no se de cuenta que algo está mal. Me quedo atras como lider de este proyecto, pero siempre sois libres de preguntar y uniros al equipo de builders, donde arquitectos y otros voluntarios os aceptaran de buen gusto.
    Un abrazo a todos, más a los que siempre habéis confiado en mi. Os agradezco de corazón vuestra fe y ánimo depositado en mi siempre. Tengo 21 años, y ha llegado un momento donde debo elegir. Espero un día hacer mi sueño realidad, y espero que el sentimiento de pertenecer a AssasinsCraft, resuene en el corazón de todos. ¡Siempre seréis bienvenidos a la cuna de los Assasins!
    EN/ ¿?
  2. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from McDonaldsSalad in New to Modded Minecraft on Craftersland – Any Tips for a Beginner   
    *moved from vanilla tech support to community>general discussions
  3. Like
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from iiTzArismaltor_ in Half-Retirement - MiniTermi77   
    Buenas noches, amigos y compañeros.
    Debido al aumento de proyectos que me están surgiendo en mi vida profesional, me temo que no puedo hacerme cargo del proyecto de remodelación de AssasinsCraft.
    Quien sabe... quiza un dia pueda llegar a ser un compositor cuya musica resuene en la cabeza e inspire a muchas personas ^^. Me quita bastante tiempo, asi es. Mas los estudios, que no es cosa menor, tengo que decir un poquito adios a esto. No os preocupeis en parte, pq seguiré siendo Administrador ocupandome de tareas menores y problemas que os pueda surgir a nivel de usuarios. ¡Mi rango de Admin no lo renuncio ni de broma!
    Hasta la fecha hemos realizado cositas importantes como la mudanza de Imperium, y la anexión de las ciudades RiverVille-Imperium-Carnia. Junto a esto hemos empezado a hacer remodelacion de los alrededores del mapa, haciendo que el mapa sea un poquito mundo abierto (dentro de lo cerrado que es). En el apartado de bugs se arreglaron bastantes, al menos lo suficiente para que uno no se de cuenta que algo está mal. Me quedo atras como lider de este proyecto, pero siempre sois libres de preguntar y uniros al equipo de builders, donde arquitectos y otros voluntarios os aceptaran de buen gusto.
    Un abrazo a todos, más a los que siempre habéis confiado en mi. Os agradezco de corazón vuestra fe y ánimo depositado en mi siempre. Tengo 21 años, y ha llegado un momento donde debo elegir. Espero un día hacer mi sueño realidad, y espero que el sentimiento de pertenecer a AssasinsCraft, resuene en el corazón de todos. ¡Siempre seréis bienvenidos a la cuna de los Assasins!
    EN/ ¿?
  4. Like
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from Waffle in juicy mmorpg textures for minecraft   
    Uy uy uy uy, como que cara medio avergonzada? A ver si te tengo q meter un warn >:O. Jjsjsjs, jk. A ver si te pasas por discord @Waffle vas a flipar con las cosas q se estan cambiando en Netwok 
  5. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from McDonaldsSalad in [Vanilla] MiniTermi77   
    Here we are again.
  6. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from iiTzArismaltor_ in Summer in Network! 2021   
    Welcome dear Crafters!! From the Network staff, we hope you had a good and happy sumer holidays, especially in this time of covid that we live. I come to announce some things that we have done or we are working into of these 3 last months! 
    -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_NEW UPDATES IN NETWORK-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
                            In  AssasinsCraft:
                                              -Added: Quarzt City .    
                                              -Added: Imperium City.
                                              -Added: A limited shield edition (Already finished)
                                              -Added: Some Special Items in the BM (Not yet)
                                              -Added: Stables and a Drop Parkour near the Spawn.
                                              -Fixed: Quartz City some parkours broken and new interactive items as a keys.
                                             -Incoming: New Main City? 
                                             -Incoming: New Spawn?
                           In PureSurvival:
                                        -Added: The ParticlesPlugin for Sponsors instead of WE. (/pp)
                                       - 1 new Warp for: [Premium] and [Sponsor]
                                       -A New Market with a lot of features was added!! 
                                       -[Top Killer], monthly rank, incoming!!!!!!
                                            -I have redecorated the spawn insides!
                                       -Removed: WorldEdit: (https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/46243-command-requests-update/)
                                       -Fixed: 1 bug methop
    We also prepared u guys a GIFT for u and hope u  enjoyed well the summer!
    From the staff team, we give u as a present this wallpaper of this New Updates!

    -Greetings of the Builder Team-
    All your possitive comments give me more encouragement to continue building! And to finish this I want to say....
                    We need more builders in the Builder Team, would u want to apply?
  7. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from McDonaldsSalad in [Vanilla] MiniTermi77   
    In game name: MiniTermi77 Server(s): Vanilla
    Date From: Today
    Date To: July, more or less the second week
    Explanation: "Little bit" busy with university exams and some composing proyects for a videogame hehe
  8. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from JebacBydgoszcz in [Vanilla] MiniTermi77   
    In game name: MiniTermi77 Server(s): Vanilla
    Date From: Today
    Date To: July, more or less the second week
    Explanation: "Little bit" busy with university exams and some composing proyects for a videogame hehe
  9. Thanks
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from mxgue13 in AssasinsCraft Revival Proyect - 1/4   
    Here MiniTermi77, the new Admin on Network. Let's go to the point.
    The Proyect to revive Network it's gonna be in 4 steps
    1- Fixing Bugs and set a general menu of quests,watch towers (tps) and how AssassinS habilities works.
    2- Set the move and prepare some cities. Also with NPCs! We are getting back to the lore of AssassinS and Templars
    3- Decorate the map borders, right now is a super flat world, and players could explore around there.
    4- Advertising proyect via TikTok.
    I think it's gonna take 2-5 months to finish all of this. Everyone who wanna help is welcome in our Building-Staff-ContentManager-StoryTeller teams. Here's the changelog!
    And... A New city on AC! Take it a look! 

  10. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 reacted to avestru77_ in New Location for Imperium   
    With the new city Riverville a new location for Imperium was added 
    The new path you will have to follow is crossing Riverville and you will see a sign Follow it!

  11. Like
    MiniTermi77 reacted to avestru77_ in New city in AssasinsCraft Riverville! Go Explore it!!   
    A New City named Riverville was recently released in AssasinsCraft 
    This new city is located just leaving Camelot in the Left
    With 3 new parkours (One its especially difficult), Even one of that its a cooperative parkour in wich will you will need 2 Friends to complete it 

  12. Like
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from brunyman in AssasinsCraft Revival Proyect - 1/4   
    Here MiniTermi77, the new Admin on Network. Let's go to the point.
    The Proyect to revive Network it's gonna be in 4 steps
    1- Fixing Bugs and set a general menu of quests,watch towers (tps) and how AssassinS habilities works.
    2- Set the move and prepare some cities. Also with NPCs! We are getting back to the lore of AssassinS and Templars
    3- Decorate the map borders, right now is a super flat world, and players could explore around there.
    4- Advertising proyect via TikTok.
    I think it's gonna take 2-5 months to finish all of this. Everyone who wanna help is welcome in our Building-Staff-ContentManager-StoryTeller teams. Here's the changelog!
    And... A New city on AC! Take it a look! 

  13. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from Terminator in AssasinsCraft Revival Proyect - 1/4   
    Here MiniTermi77, the new Admin on Network. Let's go to the point.
    The Proyect to revive Network it's gonna be in 4 steps
    1- Fixing Bugs and set a general menu of quests,watch towers (tps) and how AssassinS habilities works.
    2- Set the move and prepare some cities. Also with NPCs! We are getting back to the lore of AssassinS and Templars
    3- Decorate the map borders, right now is a super flat world, and players could explore around there.
    4- Advertising proyect via TikTok.
    I think it's gonna take 2-5 months to finish all of this. Everyone who wanna help is welcome in our Building-Staff-ContentManager-StoryTeller teams. Here's the changelog!
    And... A New city on AC! Take it a look! 

  14. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from McDonaldsSalad in AssasinsCraft Revival Proyect - 1/4   
    Here MiniTermi77, the new Admin on Network. Let's go to the point.
    The Proyect to revive Network it's gonna be in 4 steps
    1- Fixing Bugs and set a general menu of quests,watch towers (tps) and how AssassinS habilities works.
    2- Set the move and prepare some cities. Also with NPCs! We are getting back to the lore of AssassinS and Templars
    3- Decorate the map borders, right now is a super flat world, and players could explore around there.
    4- Advertising proyect via TikTok.
    I think it's gonna take 2-5 months to finish all of this. Everyone who wanna help is welcome in our Building-Staff-ContentManager-StoryTeller teams. Here's the changelog!
    And... A New city on AC! Take it a look! 

  15. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from JebacBydgoszcz in AssasinsCraft Revival Proyect - 1/4   
    Here MiniTermi77, the new Admin on Network. Let's go to the point.
    The Proyect to revive Network it's gonna be in 4 steps
    1- Fixing Bugs and set a general menu of quests,watch towers (tps) and how AssassinS habilities works.
    2- Set the move and prepare some cities. Also with NPCs! We are getting back to the lore of AssassinS and Templars
    3- Decorate the map borders, right now is a super flat world, and players could explore around there.
    4- Advertising proyect via TikTok.
    I think it's gonna take 2-5 months to finish all of this. Everyone who wanna help is welcome in our Building-Staff-ContentManager-StoryTeller teams. Here's the changelog!
    And... A New city on AC! Take it a look! 

  16. Thanks
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from iiTzArismaltor_ in AssasinsCraft Revival Proyect - 1/4   
    Here MiniTermi77, the new Admin on Network. Let's go to the point.
    The Proyect to revive Network it's gonna be in 4 steps
    1- Fixing Bugs and set a general menu of quests,watch towers (tps) and how AssassinS habilities works.
    2- Set the move and prepare some cities. Also with NPCs! We are getting back to the lore of AssassinS and Templars
    3- Decorate the map borders, right now is a super flat world, and players could explore around there.
    4- Advertising proyect via TikTok.
    I think it's gonna take 2-5 months to finish all of this. Everyone who wanna help is welcome in our Building-Staff-ContentManager-StoryTeller teams. Here's the changelog!
    And... A New city on AC! Take it a look! 

  17. Like
    MiniTermi77 reacted to Yusixs in [Ctw] New Map: Empire   
    Added, a massive thank you to @Terminator for helping me out with this.
  18. thonk
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from Dantecitoh in Network Community Team   
    Hello there!
    We are hiring people for the next teams:
    Helpers Builders Team Tiktok/Reels maker Storyteller for AssasinsCraft  
    Contact with me on discord: @minitermi77 . 
    ¡Be inventive!
  19. Thanks
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from Mxgue_13 in New Updates   
    Soy Admin, ya demasiado tarde, pero yo que se. Por amor al arte
  20. thonk
    MiniTermi77 reacted to Waffle in juicy mmorpg textures for minecraft   
  21. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from iiTzArismaltor_ in Vanilla Builder Recruitment   
    Regular players of our vanilla Network servers can understand the importance of keeping things fresh with new areas to explore, buildings, parkours, dungeons, as well as entire cities.
    And so do we. But let me tell you, it’s hard work.
    Especially when it comes to Assassin's Craft (our Assassin's Creed-themed server), it's all about that beautiful custom map. Always staying ahead of the game with unique constructions and intricate mechanisms to go along with them is what allows us to create an amazing experience for all of our players who keep coming back for more.
    As the community grows, so does our demand for capable individuals who can help us drive our standards even higher. This time around, we're looking for talented builders to join our team. As a Builder, you'll get the chance to show people your skills and learn new tricks by collaborating with some of our most experienced team members. The most exciting part? You'll have the unique opportunity to put your own spin on upcoming projects across the vanilla Network and get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at all the exciting things we're working on and can’t wait to share with the community.
    You can submit your application here. It's generally a good idea for you to show us as much of your work as possible. 
    Applications are reviewed on a weekly basis. If you’re accepted, you’ll be notified via forum PM and the official CL Discord server.
    Good luck!
  22. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from iiTzArismaltor_ in Network Community Team   
    Hello there!
    We are hiring people for the next teams:
    Helpers Builders Team Tiktok/Reels maker Storyteller for AssasinsCraft  
    Contact with me on discord: @minitermi77 . 
    ¡Be inventive!
  23. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from iiTzArismaltor_ in ¡We need an Admin! - Network   
    We did it, guys. Network/Vanilla have it own Admin!! Let's change all Network.
  24. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from McDonaldsSalad in ¡We need an Admin! - Network   
    We did it, guys. Network/Vanilla have it own Admin!! Let's change all Network.
  25. Cookie
    MiniTermi77 got a reaction from McDonaldsSalad in Network Community Team   
    Hello there!
    We are hiring people for the next teams:
    Helpers Builders Team Tiktok/Reels maker Storyteller for AssasinsCraft  
    Contact with me on discord: @minitermi77 . 
    ¡Be inventive!
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