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Everything posted by Derp2

  1. Sure, my new IGN is: Derp20, offline IGN is: Derp2 Also Derp2 has premium and the chunkloader kit, i would like it move to Derp20 aswell. Thanks in advance.
  2. Great but since the update offline accounts dont work anymore, so thats a permanent thing or a misconfig?
  3. I'd play just fine with an offline account prior to the update, now it doesnt work anymore. Any way to fix it?
  4. Any update?
  5. I play on a offline account and i cant login anymore, it gives me the "Failed to login: Invalid session" error, username is Derp.
  6. Your Name: Derp Item Name + Amount: Unstable induced Hammer Description of Issue: Broke my grave when the server crashed, when i logged back the grave was gone and so were the items. Screenshots (Optional): (it was lv11 with a +1 mod)
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