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urss333 last won the day on December 19 2020

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About urss333

  • Birthday 03/17/1994

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  1. @Ness27 Dw1. 7 he also made 2 post in technical supp.
  2. The only way to resolve this is to ask for a Rank reactivation.... maybe some of the perks bug out.... https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/31358-template-package-reactivation/
  3. try /is spawn.
  4. Server? dw1.12 or dw1.7 ? and the link only send you to the imgur site :|
  5. Really.....we don't keep afk islands for years.... we delete them after 3 months +, or something like that. So start new, its the only option, i think....
  6. If your base was not claim... then its fair game... make a rollback request and next time create a town....
  7. Hey, what launcher are you using? try using craftersland launcher and when you open it click launch put in a username and click play offline.... and try and delete from your pc other minecraft files that you might have,they can be corrupted... you find them here: start meniu-search-run-%appdata% find .minecraft and delete it. And it will be usefull the error your getting.
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