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ToledoMejia last won the day on October 21 2021

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About ToledoMejia

  • Birthday 05/23/1998

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  1. I like the server and I enter from time to time, however it is currently completely abandoned and I would like to know if it is possible for them to restart the world, so that I can start a new adventure.
  2. @brunyman Would it be possible to reactivate my [Sponsor+] rank to get the money, claim perms, keys and all that the rank included please? My IGN: ToledoMejia
  3. Your Name: ToledoMejia Item Name + ID + Amount: Base coordinates: Description of Issue: I do not know exactly what is the reward for completing the mission, however the game crashed after delivering the "Eye of Lugia" I spent about 20 or 30 minutes farming 31 drowned pokemon, and when I finally got the game crashed. I do not know if it is possible that they give me the reward that this mission grants. Screenshots (Optional):
  4. If it is not possible that they give me back my pokemons, please at least give me the masterballs of the legendary ones that I had.
  5. Today I decided to play again. There is still no resolution to my problem, if they do a rollback or something, I hope it does not affect me.
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