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Jimmel last won the day on September 9 2024

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About Jimmel

  • Birthday 04/19/2000

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  1. This isn't a clear evidence, is now spawnkilling being on the zone of the iron armor with strength? https://imgur.com/a/Hxo46

    Anyway, thanks for the warning; please note I'm not asking any type of unwarn.. But this will probably ruin my chance of being a helper tho.

    Thanks again.

    1. Jimmel


      Thanks for asking so politely. To speak on the case, I didn't intend to punish the rest of you but I knew I didn't like how you were all camping there killing off the blue team. So I contacted an Admin about it who also happened to agree with the punishment. I think it's a fair one.

      A warning shouldn't affect your chances of getting on the team. I mean, you made it to the second stage of the process with 3 bans and another warning on record. I'm still looking forward to working with you. If you have any more questions, please do send me a PM.

      Take care. 

    2. WaterIsIllegal


      Thanks, (And it's 2 bans, one by mistake)

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